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Extinct Tigers

There are only three extinct species of the Tiger and lets hope it stays that way. I don't want to hear about another species becoming extinct.

The Caspian tiger

Panthera tigris virgata

These tigers once ranged in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, and the Central Asiatic area of Russia. The average weight of a female was 187 - 298 lbs and the average weight of a male was 374 - 529 lbs. The average length of a female was 7 Feet 11 Inches - 8 Feet 6 Inches and for the male tiger 8 Feet 8 Inches - 9 Feet 8 InchesThey've been extinct since the 1950s.

The Javan tiger

Panthera tigris sondaica

The Javan tiger formerly ranged on the Indonesian island of Java and was last seen in 1972. The females weigh an average of 165 - 254 lbs. While the males weigh an average of 221 - 311 lbs. The males are normally 8 Feet 1 Inch. I couldn't out how long the female tigers are.

Bali Tiger

Panthera tigris balica

The Bali tigers lived on the Island of Bali. They were the smallest of all 8 tiger subspecies. They've been extinct since the late 1930's or early 1940's. The average weight of a female was 143 - 176 lbs and the average weight of a male was 198 - 221 lbs. The average length of the females was 6 Feet 3 Inches - 6 Feet 11 Inches. The average length of the males was 7 Feet 3 Inches - 7 Feet 7 Inches. I don't not have any information on how many cubs the females had.

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