Song Playing is "Eye of the Tiger"
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I would like to thank everyone who
has thought my site worthy of these wonderful awards. Thank
Click on the award to apply for one for your site.
Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.

Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.

Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.

Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.

Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.

Thank you Lady Care for
this award.
Received July, 1999
Click on award to apply for award.
