::As you walk along a path one day you see in the distance a young girl sitting underneath a tree with a winged unicorn laying down beside her, its head resting in her lap. You approach her slowly and right before you reach her she turns her head and looks to you with a smile on her face::Salutations and welcome ::as she speaks she gently strokes the unicorns mane::Im Shekinah and this here is Ambrosia...::you notice she says the name with great affection and pride::Feel free to roam the valley or just stay here and have a nice nap in the shade...over that way ye will find pictures of Ambrosia when she was an egg and such ::after nodding your thanks you step off to go take a look::
Ambrosia now
Ambrosia as a hatchling
Ambrosia before she was hatched
::as you walk further down the path you see this sign::
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