Welcome to my Guestbook! This is a list of people who have signed my guestbook.

09/28/00 02:15:06
Name: Tabby
My Email: Email Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: the holy obscene cow

moo! fear the power of the holy obscene cow! ::Wavies:: hiya 'Kinah)

09/10/00 09:42:03
Name: Susan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn

I love your page sweetie....Love you too...hugs.

08/17/00 00:37:26
Name: Brooke My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Wolf

This is a wonderful website! thank you for the MUSIC! I love it! please stop by my web page! and this is for you! please link ot back here: http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/magic1

08/13/00 13:59:20
Name: Pebbles My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: UNICORNS

Nice web page, much better than mine. I still don't know much about html and I'm still new at all this. Yours is wonderful and great moving stuff. How did you learn all of this stuff?

08/09/00 17:51:20
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: unicorn

Great web page. Keep up the good work.

08/08/00 11:50:08
Name: Pixie Jackhammer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorns


Good Luck in Foal's Corner 3 this week !
Don't forget to add a voting banner and link it to Foal's Corner 3 :)
And don't forget to vote and cheer for yourself everyday !!!

06/29/00 16:35:53
Name: Lana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: me... right now I am doubting my existance j/k... i dunno

hmm... I was going through old messages on my guestbook and I saw the link for this site so I am like hey I"ll go here... So here I am signing this guestbook

05/23/00 04:20:20
Name: JONII My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: the blue potatoe eating space munky named BOB!

HELLO ! luv the pink backgrounds man lol .... ur page is cool tho !.... well i saw ur web page thing in lanas guest book thing so i thought that i would sign it ... yuppp .... soo ... i ... am .... signing ... ur ... book .... YaY ! well i must go now bu bye my frienddd ! ...... joni

04/09/00 02:51:06
Name: taiga My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: unicorns/pegasus

I would like to commend you on your beautiful website! I would like to invite this lovely site to join my team, The Soaring Pegasus, in The Web Brawls, a web site competition. I believe your site would do very well! I hope you will consider it! http://www.thewebbrawls.com/pegasus

01/29/00 23:37:11
Name: Your Friend,Ashley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn(U stole it,lol!)

Didn't know u liked The Last Unicorn!I love it too!Got the movie somewhere around my house...but i don't feel like getting off my butt right now,LOL!This is the coolest page ive yet seen!Awesome work!Later girl!;)

01/28/00 23:30:12
Name: Lindsey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Alicorn

Wondering about my e-mail? The name Acorna was the name of one of Anne McCaffrey's newest books, but you'll have to read it to find out more! Anyhow, i have over 30 unicorn, pegsus, alicorn, and horse collectibles, not including posters,pictures, and Brey rs. I suggest that everyone sees the movie The Last Unicorn.

11/27/99 00:21:59
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Faires and demons

Wonderful job hunny!! Wish I could do a page but that's a different story. ^_^!!

11/20/99 17:27:08
Name: Lana
My URL: Visit Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: my spirit animal Symniath

odd.... i havent been here in forever

11/19/99 18:03:07
Name: The Unicorn Girl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorns, of course

You have a great page. I'm gonna have a page pretty soon. I'll e-mail you when its up. I live in MI and I love horses and uniocrns too. I'm in fith grade. Please e-mail me back. The Unicorn Girl

06/26/99 23:27:11
Name: Danny the Firestarting Pyropunk My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Me and my fireball friend.

dude, shakaina, youre crazy!!! nice sit, though.

04/07/99 05:26:08
Name: Gini Moniz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorns

Your pages are a delight to the eye. For the better part of 66 years I have been taken with Unicorns and PegusesKepp up the good work.I will be back> Gini/CA

04/07/99 05:22:24
Name: Gini Moniz
My URL: Visit Me


03/27/99 20:28:28
Name: Todd Lane My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: you of course

this is so nifty how come you didnt tell me you had a web site before? well thank you for showing it to me but im in a hurry to get back to you so..

02/22/99 22:03:03
Name: Cindy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn, of course :)

Very nice page...keep up the good work! :-)

01/25/99 15:01:29
Name: Golden Night
My Email: Email Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Hippogryph, Ki-Rin/Unicorn

~Love the work! Tell me how I can make a site as good as this~

01/21/99 01:20:27
Name: Galaxis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Hehe.. simple.. Unicorns

Ah.. Neat page Pern (: hehehe Unicorns rule. I wouldn't visit my page lol kinda needs to be updated and stuff but oh well... Keep up the good work

01/19/99 17:00:09
Name: Shannon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Peekachu

Pretty cool website Shekinah. Even though you drive me out of my head w/ this unicorn stuff, its pretty cool.

01/19/99 17:00:07
Name: Shannon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Pikachu

Pretty cool website Shekinah. Even though you drive me out of my head w/ this unicorn stuff, its pretty cool.

01/17/99 05:48:54
Name: Syndrene My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn

It is very wonderful - good job!!

01/16/99 03:08:52
Name: Shaun Michael Patric Paine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Why Silly Unicorns :-)

I love the Unicorns Mydear, keep working on web pages you are very artistic and tallented....

01/14/99 03:50:32
Name: Michael Blackfire My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Dragons and old testament angels

Very good page, milady!

01/06/99 04:25:47
Name: Jim & Rachel Sutton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: maybe leviathon?

We are proud of you!

12/27/98 22:52:24
Name: Lana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: i dunno


12/25/98 01:42:38
Name: Elizabeth
My URL: Visit Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn/Pegasus

I really enjoy this page because it has a lot of fun stuff on it...stuff that I like...Appleblossom is sooo cute!! Please add more on, I love this page!!

12/23/98 17:18:01
Name: seefan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice site ... enjoyed my stay ... SS

12/11/98 12:20:02
Name: Nightmarewolf My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Unicorn,DRagon

Cool Site!

12/04/98 21:24:25
Name: Todd My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Dragons

I am signing agin b/c i love the site so much i think it s well done and that you were great.

12/04/98 19:30:52
Name: Jennifer Blackstock
My URL: Visit Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: unicorns

Very cool page!! I love unicorns! Keep it up!

12/01/98 22:07:06
Name: tnt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: dragon

it wa about unicorns

11/13/98 20:13:05
Name: Daddy Colson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: Shekinah

It's cooooooooool Shekinah! Ryan likes it and thinks it's cool too! Ya done good! Fatherman

10/14/98 21:22:50
Name: Lana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What's your favorite fantasy creature?: those people with goat bodies

hi shekinah dont forget to sign mine

10/13/98 19:47:55
Name: shannon
My URL: Visit Me
What's your favorite fantasy creature?: frogs

hi its a very nice page

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