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Well dear friends... I guess all good things must come to an end, sooner or later. Unfortunately, it seems as though the Shrine of Concors Discors is one of those things. My account for this web site expires on August 1st 1999, and I find myself with barely enough money to buy food and medicine, which makes it hard for me to justify spending the $60 to renew my account for another year. I don't suppose I should be surprised by this. In the past 5 years, I have lost everything else that ever meant anything to me... why should this web site be any different?

I can't say it wasn't worth the effort, though. I have found a great deal of pleasure expressing myself through this site in its content as well as its design. And more recently, I've enjoyed giving other artists a place to express themselves. My friends Cyclopean Orm, Ompallios, and the learned Profesor Medfly have all made generous contributions to the content of this site, and for this I thank them. While you are here, be sure to view Cyclopean Orm's and Ompallios's works in the TEXT and IMAGES areas. Although I have never met the fair Ompallios in person, I am sure from her obvious wit that she could easily charm the scales off an iguana. As for Cyclopean Orm... he already did. Look for a link to his House Of The Wyvern site in my LINKS area.

To my friends Profesor Medfly, Terabyte, ZeNO Urias, and Geneva Urias... I thank you for your generosity in giving a home to the Mad Psyence Labs for a little longer than it probably deserves. This kindness will never be forgotten.

I feel like I am writing a will. And to all my good friends online... your support and companionship has helped me to keep going when I didn't think I could. I hope you all enjoyed this site as much as I enjoyed making it.

I can see by the old clock in the lower right corner of the desktop that it's time to wrap this thing up. Hopefully it won't be the last you hear from me, but I have learned not to have expectations... in ANYthing. If you'd like to be in touch with me, I suppose I may be reachable at, or, or Felix Furlow, P.O. Box 720905, Dallas, TX, 75372. If not, it's been a pleasure entertaining you. Goodnight ladies and gentlemen... Felix Furlow has left the building.

High Octant of the Council of Eight
Mugician and Doktor of Mad Psyence

Felix Furlow

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