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The entries below dated 10.31.96-06.09.97 are "The Lost F-Logs" and relate to a previous incarnation of this website.
"I am still alive and producing, although staying alive has demanded much of my energy."
"Well well well... Halloween... My second most favorite holiday of the year..."
"Science Officer Speck has informed me that he has devised a plan..."
"Ah. A lazy spring afternoon in the garden of The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS."
"Fortunately for all involved, Jonnee Flash rarely drinks half a bottle of tequilla."
"The Eve of May has come and passed. I spent the final day of April reuniting with old friends..."
"Well... it finally happened. Mad Psyence Laboratories finally got a hardware upgrade."
"Due to recent changes, The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS website is not online at this time."
"What's new? Well... I turned 34 years old on August 23rd... everything else is pretty much the same."
"Today is a good day... or at least for this website. I finally figured out why I was having trouble..."
"As is the supernature of Concors Discors, recent events have typically defied prediction..."
"With only 2 days left in the year, my plan to take over the world seems destined to fail."
"I feel as though I am traversing an icy mountain ridge around a blind corner in the latest winter fashions."
"It seems I am yet to be rid of the ghost of Jonnee Flash... in fact, he may kill me yet."
"I suppose I'll never be able to complain that my life here in this dimension is uneventful."
"The channel through which I entered the Earth-Prime-Timeline and the vessel of Jonnee Flash..."
"True to form, the wave continues its cycles and the chaos of my recent past has waned... again."
"8 is a number with profound signifigance in the multiverse of Concors Discors."
"Apparently, skinny-assed-hasbeen-wannabe-rockstars never die, they just lose their voice quicker."
"I never thought I'd see the day when I stayed home on Halloween, but here I sit."
"After a week of giving thanks for Slack with my comrades in the big city..."
"At midnight this morning, we toasted the new year and a new home for Mad Psyence Labs."
"For some, the waves of life are small and steady... occuring at a constant frequency of limited amplitude."
"I bet you thought I had died. Well... don't feel like the Lone Ranger."
"Well dear friends... I guess all good things must come to an end, sooner or later."
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