Felix Furlow is many things to many people... however, in THIS context, he is the creator of.... The Shrine of Concors Discors.
Late one night in 1988, at Skippyville Central Recording Studios, Jonnee Flash, skinny-assed-hasbeen-rockstar-wannabe was working with producer/composer D. Kendall Jones on experimental electronic music when their primary computer was taken over by an outside entity. Unknowingly, Jonnee Flash typed a key sequence into the computer, allowing the entity to flow into his mind and attach its conciousness to its new host intellect.
Felix Furlow had escaped the Octothorp by leaping feet first into the nearest gate to the Earth-Prime-Timeline and landing square in the sneakers of an overgrown teenager keeping his fuse lit at both ends. As is the supernature of such things, the new relationship had its effects on the two individuals. Some were positiive, others negative. In time, the relationship would prove to benefit both parties, and soon the two were fast friends. Though, not without a bit of grey matter rivalry.
In the early 90's, Jonnee helped Felix discover the Internet and the World Wide Web. Felix immediately recognized its potential to spread the message of Concors Discors to a world of hungry bodies, minds, and souls. Using his host to fascilitate his need for a physical interface, Felix established a presence on local and international chat networks and later taught himself HTML to help link his artistic endeavors together for display on the World Wide Web.
In 1995, Felix began construction of The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS website and with the HD Slack provided by Rev. Vinux of The Fifth Church Under The Garter, the site grew larger by the day. Since 1991, Felix had used Jonnee's Amiga computer to produce his aural and visual media. It was not until June of 1996 that Felix aquired access to his own PC. This 16 meg, 486 DX4 100 mhz machine was donated in parts by Rev. Vinux, Profesor Medfly, and Lonsome Biker Dave. In the meantime, changes in circumstances dictated The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS website would have to be temporarily taken offline.
Felix Furlow refers to himself as a "traveler"... "a sort of superdimensional renaissance entity". When asked to divulge his origins, his reply is "Everywhere and nowhere... at once". His age? He simply laughs in response. Although at times, he can be quite open and revealing, the word 'enigma' seems to be the most appropriate description of Felix. Rather than present a traditional biography, we thought it best to go the route of an auto-biography via one-on-one interview. So we asked Toenail Klipeen, Felix's trusty sidekick and personal valet, to sit down with Felix and try to get something more than pure ambiguity...
TK: How's it goin'?
FF: Up and down, side to side.
TK: The usual, huh?
FF: Well... yes... and no. (laughs)
TK: So why did we come here?
FF: To learn... to play... to see the sights... to invest in your future.
TK: Oh yeah... Are we having fun yet?
FF: Well... yes and no. (laughs)
(Editors note: Felix tends to laugh at his own jokes alot.)
TK: How do you like the vessel you've chosen? I mean Jonnee Flash of course.
FF: Oh, I suppose it could be better... it could be worse. Jonnee's body serves my purpose.
TK: And what purpose is that?
FF: You know... to learn... to play... to see the sights... invest in your future. (laughs... again)
TK: You seem to be very interested in my future...
FF: Your's is the only one I have.
TK: Oh yeah. Well, what have you learned so far?
FF: Oh... this and that. I will say that I am quite pleased at the reactions I have observed from humans exposed to the channeling I have done and Jonnee has recorded with his machines. It keeps me from getting homesick.
TK: How so?
FF: It just reminds me of what a marvelous, wonderous, stupendous, ousous place It is... (sigh)
TK: Yeah... I miss It too at times.
FF: Sorry... what was that? I had to go back home for a sec. (laughs)
TK: (sigh) Have you done any channeling recently?
FF: Is right now recent enough for you?
TK: O.K. So... what's your next project with SKIPPIKS Productions?
FF: Well... it could be almost anything. We are constantly going from one
iron to the next. It seems at times that there are more irons than there
is fire, but we manage. We are very interested in "mixed media" at the
moment, but the initial groundwork is still being laid. (laughs)
TK: Right... well... are there others you are working with besides Jonnee
FF: You mean within SKIPPIKS Productions right?
TK: Of course.
FF: Oh yes... well, there is you of course...
TK: Of course.
FF: There is Rev. Vinux of the Fifth Church Under the Garter, Profesor Medfly, Lonsome Biker Dave, Pope Gare the most.ill.one, Tom Terrific, Phelony Furlow, Lobster, Amber Waves of Grain, Cyclopean Orm, Hollywood Jones, Zeno, The Stick, and several others who float in and out. Just one big freakee family.
TK: Yes, well, I'm sure we all can't wait for the next offering.
FF: Me either. Where's Walter by the way? I think it's time he and I had
that long talk... again. (...laughs and wanders off to the studio...
In August of 1996, tragedy struck when Jonnee Flash was killed in a firey, high speed, head-on collision with a brick wall in Dallas, Texas. Felix barely managed to escape Jonnee's body only seconds before impact. Having predicted just such an untimely demise for the rockstar-wannabe, Felix had cloned Jonnee soon after the two had conjoined spirits. When pressed on this matter, Felix is very reluctant to reveal any details. It was at this point Felix Furlow gained full control of the vessel which he now inhabited in the Earth-Prime-Timeline.
Between June and August of 1997, Felix concentrated his energies on creating a new channel for Concors Discors in a leaner format. The Shrine of Concors Discors serves as an interim waypoint on the journey to The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS that will retake its place on the World Wide Web before the century ends. On August 13, 1997, The Shrine of Concors Discors moved into it's new digs in Area 51 of Geocities, and the rest, as They say, is history.
However, the future of The Shrine of Concors Discors and The Fifth Temple of SKIPPIKS has only just begun...
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