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I've just got graduated from Civil Engineering Department at Engineering Faculty of University of Indonesia when I finally got the time to update these pages.  It has been almost a year since the last time (August 1998) I laid my hands on web constructing, and it really is about time that I should give more attention to this artist side of mine.  Hope you'd be patient to wait for more additions on drawing sections, because I already am on my way to present two of my drawing from 1999's collection.


I got fracture on my collar bone back in 1996 on motor bike accidents.  It crossed my mind that I would never be able to use my drawing arm (my right) like I used to, remembering how bad the situation back then.  But then to my surprise, the broken shoulder recovered wonderfully that I barely notice the different between my drawing before and after the accident.  By then I deciced to do something about conserving my work that others than just closest friends and families would appreciate and even more, if possible, take advantage from it.  A year later I got my first modem which introduced me to Internet and later brings me closer to making my gallery-wannabe come true.


The oldest drawing I still have with me is the scene of knights in plate armor joust in a duel which I saw once from the movie "Ivan Hoe".  This movie have such influence over me that I still carry the admire of middle age Europe knighthood until today.  I even prefer to play RPG computer games based on this.  From that, things like little boy fantasies over superheroes comics or far east heroic legend riching up my inspiration and styles of many artist that brings those stories got left behind with me.  I don't really develop my own style, it's just that my style is a mix of those whom drawing style have me impressed, so mixed up that none of those individual's drawing style have noticable influence on mine anymore.


Now that I am a full time Civil Engineer, my next plan is to give my new status a run.  So, how about the drawing ?  Well, like I said before and maybe days to come, I still intent to draw as a pleasure.  The reasons are that I look at drawing as an activity that would reduce my stress, and also because of the not-so-promising situation on my country for animation bussiness would lead to somewhere prospective.  Until then, I guess, I would just run along and try to update these pages whenever I got the time ...


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