Sanguinarium, The Nothingness Review
by C.Schmidt ®
Disclaimer: These are the ramblings of an insane person me! And not
necessarily the beliefs of the writer who is also me! The writer owns
nothing... ok I do own lots Gillian Anderson stuff and almost as much
X-Files stuff only I don't own Ms. Anderson or the X-Files CC does.. well
not Ms. Anderson she owns herself but CC , Fox Television and what’s that
other company oh yeah 1013 the own everything else... I am merely using
their creations for my one sick pleasure!
Opening Scene -
"Dr. Jackal oops Dr. Lloyd is scrubbing for the next
victim oops patient... Only Dr. Lloyd thinks he needs a manicure as well and
doesn't stop when his nails are gone. So here is the good Dr. hacking away
at his last patient sucking the fat (Hey! didn't this happen in 2Shy?) when
he goes south only his brain goes north and well not a good thing even on an
X-Files, as he... well to coin the phrase this Dr. is "to die for" here.
Mad Dr. goes loony on us.....
"I think this patient is done..."
Cue The X-Files Theme -
And the crowd goes wild! There was much
rejoicing! Whoo! Whoo! Oh look, Mulder... the crowd is silent.... Oh Look
Scully! And the crowd bursts into an up roar and goes into a frenzy before
the first of many commercials spews adds for the Star Trek The next
Generation.. quick anyone... when does STNG premiere in theaters? and more
adds for Super Bowl, Millennium, Melrose Place and NO! Not for the Simpsons
ep we have all been waiting for!
Scully and Mulder are questioning the good Dr. about is latest
DR. LLOYD: I don't know how to explain it... It's like I was there but
wasn't... Do you think this will hurt my medical practice?
MULDER: Well I doubt that your medical insurance is going to by my idea of
SCULLY : Well they might go for it if we add witchcraft... that or wait Dr.
Lloyd what kind of medication have you been taking lately? And if so can I
take a look at the prescription?
MULDER: Now what significance would that play in this Scully? I can read
the scripts as well as you and it says right here.... Witches and pentagrams,
and other things that will not get tied up in this ep.
SCULLY: Cool, a monster of the week ep! Good I don't have to remember who is
or isn't your dad! Best part though, Skinner won't be in this oneand he
won't be able to get CC to make us sing them damn show tunes!
MULDER: Yes that is so true. But Scully, you didn't answer my question....
Why are you asking the good Dr. about his medication?
SCULLY: Well I was looking for a new sleeping pill.... with all these trips
to L.A. lately I got jet lag something awful.
MULDER: Hey I know what you mean. Hey maybe we can get CC to move the
filming to L.A. Think of it Scully no more rain!
SCULLY: Yeah that would be nice, and we'd be closer to all the movers and
shakers in Hollywood. Hey maybe I can get that other role in a movie before
I'm forever stuck in life playing Scully. I don't want to be the next
Spock. But I do want my Emmy damn it! I was rooked this year! And well
an Oscar for the role of Scully that would work too.
Mulder and Scully fist the crime scene in the hospital operating room.
SCULLY: WOW! Look at all this new stuff!
MULDER:Don't touch any of it! It belongs to the set of Millennium!
SCULLY : Of course! They get all the latest stuff and we get diddly!
MULDER: Hey what’s that on the floor!
SCULLY: Blood from the victim Mulder, see its red and...
MULDER: No! The marks, and they are just begging me to play connect the dots!
SCULLY: I can't believe this... CC pays you what 100,000 grand an ep to play
connect the dots when Piper will do it for free!
MULDER: Ah, but could she make a pentagram out of it like I can?
SCULLY: Well, no... come on lets go talk to the nurse before you start
creating works of art on the floor.
Scully and Mulder chit chat with Nurse Waite and we also see a private
meeting of Drs. around a table that has wood grains that are shaped like a
pentagram. Hmm coincidence or planned? You make the call! Next victim in
for a face left well she gets a new face all right just not the one she was
hoping for.... The good nurse Waite is prepping the poor lady with the
standard state of the art leaches... whilst Mulder is waiting for Scully in
his hotel room.
SCULLY: What are you looking at Mulder?
MULDER: Um.. my nose... I hate it always have think I should get some
plastic surgery done Scully?
SCULLY: Well there are several good Drs. here to perform that for you? But
stop looking at that nose and lets get to work. You said something about
having Dr. Lloyd on tape.
MULDER: Yeah they just released this on video.. um.. no sex scenes like in
that movie I have on back order... what's it called oh "The Turning" God I
wished they'd hurry up and release that! Got a note the other day in the
mail saying that one of the stars was blocking it's release... you know
anything about this Scully?
SCULLY: Well yes! "The Turing" was a shitty movie and I wouldn't waste 2
cents on it! But what about the video with Dr. Lloyd? And stop playing with
your nose... You'll only make it bigger by messing with it.. Now look it's
all red!
MULDER: Oh, sorry... And your right here is the video of Dr. Lloyd.
SCULLY:WOW! Whats he doing and what is that thing he is using?
MULDER:Don't know... but I bet if you wait till Tuesday some one on one of
those x-files mailing lists will have identified it!
Mean while back at the hospital.....The face lift patient gets that new
face... and we get a commercial break. Ok break over. And Scully is
examining the newest possessed Dr and swipes his sleeping pills. While
Mulder contemplates a nose job. We see more videos and more little dots
that could or could not form a pentagram depending on who is connecting them.
Mulder and Scully bust into a private meeting then later drop by to see
Nurse Waite. Only nurse Waite isn't expecting them and is having a private
seance... Is she the good with or the bad witch? Of course she ain't there.
Cut to Dr. Franklin’s house. And TA! There is the nurse/witch doing what
most nurse/witches do... she is hiding in the bath tub of blood. Of course
she attacks the good Dr. but he calls 911 and Mulder and Scully get there so
fast... must be the new wheels.
The nurse/witch up-chucks a zillion needles and Scully goes with her to the
hospital... guess she doesn't like the Taurus and would rather have the Ford
Explore back. Mulder in the mean time is able to see yet another pentagram
in the regurgitated needles on the ground. Mulder questions the good
Dr/Head Warlock and leaves.... And we see the Dr/Warlock practice his new
sleeping position a foot off the bed. Back to Mulder's hotel room and Fox
is still looking at that schnauzer of nose as Scully just burst right on
in... Jeez you'd think these two were married or something...
SCULLY: I told you to stop worrying about that big nose! Everyone likes it!
But if you really want to change it get that doctor, what’s his name Dr
Franklin to change it for you, Anyway anything new turn up?
MULDER: Yeah ya think he'd fix my nose? Anyway you look tired why don't you
pop some of those pills you swiped from that other Dr. We are going to have
a long night trying to figure this out. Oh I did take this illegally from
the nurse/witch’s house.
SCULLY: What is it?
MULDER: A book on witches and people throwing up stuff like oh lots of
needles... Oh and this.
MULDER: It's a calendar... but not the new x-files one that I've been
looking for. I only got one more month left on my old one and I need one
for next year!
SCULLY: Well I got mine.. I swiped it like I swiped these pills from the Dr
but I got the calendar from CC office while he was working on that *other*
show! SO what’s so great about this calendar Mulder?
MULDER: Well other than the fake nudes of you that were taken from the
internet... does this little symbol mean anything to you?
SCULLY : This is ridiculous.. I haven't seen this many pentagrams since the
last garage sale I was at and some one was trying to unload all of there old
Rush albums!
MULDER: Really? Why didn't you call me I love Rush and that old flame of
mine... God I hate her! Anyway she took all of my Rush collection... did
they have 2112 that album rocks!
SCULLY: I have that one and no! You can't borrow it! Because you don't give
back my CD's when I lend them to you! Now come on lets get to the hospital
I want to talk to that DR and see if he will remove my mole! I'm getting
tired of spending hours in make up!
Next victim again new face job. Mulder and Scully get told the old sad
story of how things really work at this great hospital by the turn coat Dr
Shannon. She then plays on the computer for a tad and she shows Mulder and
Scully all the new soft ware they just got and start playing around with the
"Lets See what your face would look like" soft ware when they all release
that Dr Franklin is not who he appears to be. Mulder puts two and two
together and they race to Dr Franklin’s house....
MULDER: Look Scully!
SCULLY:More pentagrams! I'm sick of pentagrams! And this is a real sick ep
too! Glad I haven't eaten yet!
MULDER: Look this pentagrams is inverted!
SCULLY: Now how the hell can you tell that?
MULDER: Trust me ok! I know these things and look its got all his victims
written on it. I bet he did that with one of those special witch knives.
SCULLY: Mulder I trust no one and how the hell did you know that too?
MULDER: Its in the script, just like the next really gross scene.
SCULLY: Hey lets just skip the closing scene besides we have already done
several takes of it. CC can edit it so its right! It is a gross scene and
we botch it any way the guy gets away. So lets start our vacation early. I
mean next ep is all about the CSM and we aren't even in it. Except for
voice overs and flash backs and we already did those scenes
MULDER:True... so what do we do with the spare time then Scully?
SCULLY: Well... don't know. Oh wait before I forget her is the name of a
good plastic surgeon my manager gave me. This guy is new and starts his
practice tomorrow in L.A.
MULDER:Why’d your manager give you this?
SCULLY: I called her when we are on break, but I decided not to get the mole
removed I like it... but since you have been messing with that nose if
figured why not give the name to you... after all everyone wants to look
beautiful Mulder. And I already am! Well according to the latest FHM
magazine poll I'm the hottest thing on the planet!
MULDER: That poll was a joke Scully! Well according to Hard Copy and E!
SCULLY: Your just jealous because I won and you did not even place... Come
to think about it I've been kicking your ass all over the place lately,
first I get an Emmy nod and they snub you, and I have more website dedicated
to me than you!
MULDER: Well I've been on The Letterman Show more times then you and Larry
Sanders! So there!
SCULLY:So I'm gonna be on Leno next week!
MULDER: Come on lets get out of ever before someone remembers we are still
at Dr Franklins house!
SCULLY: Yeah lets get. So were we going?
MULDER: Anywhere that isn't Vancouver it rains to much here! Hey what
happened to the Explorer I hate the Taurus!
SCULLY: CC decided Millennium should use it.. now hush and drive. Oh crank
it I love this song.
MULDER: Isn't this "Creep"?
SCULLY: Yeah by Radiohead.
Mulder and Scully drive off into the sunset in the damn Taurus singing
along with the radio.....
"I want a perfect body.... I want a perfect soul.... blah blah I'm so f***
special blah blah I'm a creep...."

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