"Rudex II The Nothingness Part II... Jason Lives PART MCVIIID"
by C.Schmidt ®
Disclaimer:This little ditty is sort of mine sort of not. Same names have been changed to protect the blameless. Like oh, C. Schmidt is now mud. But at last check Chris Carter was still Chris Carter and he wrote this, this is just my interpretation of what he wrote....
Opening Scene
We get the re-cap from last week... Scully in angst. Mulder is dead but not. And the Lone Gun think about water..... Hey haven’t we done this like 100 times now?
Next after the brief yet informative re-cap, we see Mulder running through the ER. Hey is this the right show!?! Oh yeah it is look there is Skinner. And he is sort of shocked as Mulder is SUPPOSED to be dead. Guess the secrets is out of the bag now huh? Anyway Mulder blows Skinner off and rushes to be by Scully’s bedside..... Awww.... But Skinner pushes Mulder a around a bit and Mulder gives the very grieving puppy-dog-tear-eyed um, a real real sad face stare...
Cue ‘Da Muzac!
"Percussion.....Strings....Winds....Words....There ya see her, sitting there across the way. She don’t got a lot to say but there’s something about her. And you don’t know why but you’re dying to try you wanna, kiss the girl. Yes you want her. Look at her you know you do. Possible she wants you to, there is one way to ask her. It don’t take a word not a single word go on and kiss the girl. Sing with me now..... Sha la la la la My O My, looks like your quite to shy, you ain’t gonna kiss the girl. Sha la la la la Ain’t that sad you’re gonna miss the girl..."
‘Kiss The Girl’
Sebastian - The Little Mermaid
Mulder is hauled into see Blevins. They grill him and want answers!
BLEVINS: Well looks like we can close the case on your death now Agent Mulder, seeing how you are alive and all.
MULDER: Good can I go now?
BLEVINS: Not so fast Mr. Mulder there is still the matter of that dead man care to enlighten us?
MULDER: Err... No, so can I go now?
BLEVINS: I don’t think so. Look we got you on a butt load of charges and murder might be added to that list so you had better spill your guts if you know what’s good for ya!
MULDER: What is good for me... milk? Yeah I heard it does the body good. Maybe that dead guy with his face blown off should have drank some milk... Hey Skinner, got milk?
SKINNER: Not funny Mulder! Now answer the questions.
MULDER: What question?
BLEVINS: Look Mulder we don’t have time to play these games. Agent Scully lied...
MULDER: Whoa! No way Scully... Lie??? I think not! She never lies. She can’t it ain’t in her blood.
SKINNER: Well she don’t have much of that left thanks to you Mulder. So why did she lie for you Mulder?
MULDER: Um... I plead the 5th. Now if you will excuse me I have some things to go and do....
Mulder leaves but Skinner chases him in down and they chit chat in the hallway...
SKINNER: Whoa Mulder you get back in there and answer those questions!
MULDER: Nope I’m gonna go see Scully.
SKINNER: Look I saved your ass...
MULDER: How by dragging me away from Scully?
SKINNER: No by keeping your secret I have all the stuff that proves you killed that DOD dude.
MULDER: Yeah so what.
SKINNER: Tell me why Scully lied for you.
MULDER: Why you jealous she wouldn’t lie for you? Oh that’s it. You got the hots for Scully.
SKINNER: Do not.
MULDER: Yes you do. I have seen the way you look at her. And now you are mad cause she lies for me and not for you.
SKINNER: Oh so she did lie for you. Got ya! Now explain...
Mulder explains all. About THE cancer and all that stuff. Then we see the Fat Italian Guy with bad dental work -heck bad teeth especially the lower set - Good God ain’t this man ever been to a dentist! Anyway the Fat Italian with the bad set of chops is watching the rigged Senate hearings at the race tracks and CSM pays him a visit. They chat about the weather and the fact that Mulder ain’t dead. The CSM must have pissed off the Fat Italian with bad teeth cause as he leaves the Fat guy sort of leans back to the mean looking assassin type sitting behind him and says "You can proceed now."
Meanwhile as the Senate hearings continue we see Scully looking pretty sick with THE cancer sort of hanging out in the hospital bed half watching the hearings on the TV in the nurses station. Well until she sees Mulder walk up. Then her face lights all up and stuff. Gee if we didn’t know no better we’d say she just saw a dead man walking. Anyway Mulder comes and kisses her... OK on the check. And they chat about things.
SCULLY: So how does it feel to be among the living again?
MULDER: Ehhh it’s OK nothing to write home to mum about though.
SCULLY: Now why are you not dead anymore. This could get you killed. And did you find the mole in the FBI?
MULDER: No not yet, but I get to testify in a bit.
SCULLY: No don’t, they will nail your ass to the grass. Besides the mole is Skinner.
MULDER: No he ain’t!
SCULLY: Yes he is he is dirty I tell you dirty!
MULDER: It ain’t him.
SCULLY: How you know. Mulder he has been a position to know everything from the beginning its him I tell he is dirty!
MULDER: OK yes dirty..... Skinner does have a dirty mind you should have heard the things he was saying.... And yes he could also use a shower....but I know for a fact the mole ain’t him. He is in the movie.
SCULLY: So, the CSM is in the movie and he is evil.
MULDER: Well Chris Carter as never had a problem writing off moles and informants and if Skinner is the bad one here then that means he will die in this ep.
SCULLY: How do you know that.
MULDER: I read the Hollywood Reporter and other spoiler rags. And they all said that most of the questions are to be answered in this episode.
SCULLY: So, I still don’t see how...
MULDER: Hush, and don’t worry about that now. I have to go testify.
SCULLY: So what ya gonna say.
MULDER: Dunno.
SCULLY: You can say I did it.
MULDER: Now that would be a lie...
SCULLY: So lying is easy. Trust me. You will have no trouble. Actually lying is rather fun.
Mama Scully and Billy arrive to be with Dana in her last few dying hours and Mulder and Billy sort of chat. Then we see Mulder chatting, nicely even, with the CSM. Hhe tells him stuff you know crap about how he is here tonight as a friend. Oh and that he has the cure for THE cancer. Mulder high tails it to the Lone Gun man’s pad, and they re-exam the water. Lo and behold they missed something. There was a little something at the bottom of that vial. It’s the cure!!!!!!
The next day the hearings begin and Khristgau, spills his guts, something about Rosh. Anyway back at the Dana death watch bed, Mulder brings the cure. Scully says, "Ah what hell I ain’t got nothing to loose lay it on me Mulder." And The doc says OK will do, as this thing in the water won’t hurt or interfere with the mass exposure to radiation during THE cancer treatment, so why not beside nothing short of a mircle is gonna save her anyway.
Then for some reason they cut to the assassin. He is putting together his gun. And man does this take for ever. But he has a big gun. Back to the deathwatch and Mulder is sitting out side Scully’s room, big bro Billy decides to have a few not so kind words with Mulder. But because there is no fist fights we are gonna skip it as it is the same old same "Mulder you are scum" speech we hear from half of Dana’s family and friends, heck might as well include all of Mulder’s family and friends here too. So nothing that we didn’t already know. Billy leaves after telling Mulder he is scum and then the real scum CSM calls Mulder on the cell phone and arranges for a meeting....
Mulder goes to the meeting place and there for a sec I could swear he is gonna order sweat potato pie instead he opts for tobassco sauce. A car drives up and there is CSM with a chick in the car. Mulder thinks he is gonna get lucky... but then he finds out it is his sister. They chat nothing big and then we move on to the next scene. Scully starts the miracle treatment. Again nothing big so moving right along it’s the assassin we saw earlier OK not the assassin pre-say but his gun as he is looking through the zoom lens and we see Mulder then the CSM. So the 64 million dollar question is who will die... Mulder or CSM. Mulder and the CSM chat...
MULDER: What do you want from me?
CSM: I want you to use the force. Join me, together we can rule the universe.
MULDER: You sure you have just tobacco in that smoke?
CSM: Join me, leave the FBI and work for me.
MULDER: Why do I get better health benefits?
CSM: You could say that. I mean I have access to the Arnie clone and...
MULDER: So I have a clone skewer I ain’t scared.
CSM: No no that is not what I was getting at! See I ain’t got cancer nor will I ever get it and I am the eturnal smoke stack only I shouldn't get into how that works until you join me. But to answer your question, yeah you get better health benefits. Specking of health how is the miracle cancer treatment working out?
MULDER: Well I suppose OK no one has called and said she crocked yet, but the day is still early.
CSM: So will ya join me?
MULDER: Nah... Now if you will excuse me I have some stuff to do....
Mulder leaves, the assassin couldn’t get a good shot and Scully rambles about that cross around her neck. And boy does she lay on the tears. In another scene we see the Fat Italian with bad teeth watching those hearings still. But whoa he sees Skinner. Now what the hell is Skinner doing at Senate hearings on cloning???? Before Mulder’s big day in court he goes to see Scully she is sleeping and letting the miracle cure take effect. Mulder balls his eyes out... but quietly.
The big day has arrived, but before Mulder is called in to spill his guts at the hearing Blevins wants a word. Blevins tells Mulder all kinds of things and that the mole is Skinner and tries to get Mulder to lay it all on Skinner. Mulder says he’ll think about it and then goes to see Scully before the hearing.
SCULLY: What ya doing here?
MULDER: Just wanted to see how you were doing. I came by late last night but you was asleep.
SCULLY: Yeah this miracle cure is really knocking the pants off me. And I don’t think it is working. I feel like shit. And my bed is all wet right here. So why did you come by last night?
MULDER: Well I was offered a deal?
SCULLY: A deal? By who, where and for how much?
MULDER: With the devil something about Georgia, but I don’t like peaches and I’d rather live in LA so I declined.
SCULLY: So why you telling me this?
MULDER: Because it indirectly leads to why Blevins wants me to turn Skinner in as the mole.
SCULLY: See told ya he was the rat fink.
MULDER: Nah I don’t think he is but I was told if I name him then I am off the hook.
SCULLY: So are ya gonna?
MULDER: Nah...
SCULLY: Why the hell not! If you don’t then they will nail your balls to the wall Mulder! Besides Skinner should be shot for doing this! If I wasn’t all weak from THE cancer I’d kick his ass from her to kingdom come. Oh look her comes the priest to give me my last rites. Turn that rat fink Skinner in Mulder!
MULDER: It ain’t him Scully. Look I got to go and lay all this on them at the hearing. I’ll be back after the dust all settles from me rattling the foundation of which the FBI was built. OK?
SCULLY: Wait I thought you were gonna name the mole not spill your guts on what we uncovered about J. Edgar Hoover being gay.
MULDER: I gotto go. Talk To ya later....
Mulder leaves but not before squeezing Scully’s hand ever so gently....
The hearing as begun. And Whoa mama do we get the Mulderisms of all Muldersims ever to grace the TV screen. First he starts with the "lies of the lie of the whole to deceive and stuff." Then goes on to say things about Scully, debunking, and some crud about as a testament to the great person she is she lied for me. OK more Mulderism continue while we see the assassin in a cut away voice over thing trying to get a good shoot on the CSM. More Mulderlism while we see a miracle start to happen as the priest is giving Scully her last rites... More Mulderisms, mega Mulderlism, Good God will the Mulderisims ever end!!! Anyway still more Mulderisms then lots of climax and heated stuff Scully’s crying while saying the hail Mary, the CSM is smoking and maybe crying while looking at a pic of Fox and Sam. But we still have more Mulderismis and then he does it. He names Blevins as the rat fink mole. Skinner looks relieved. Blevins looks scared and runs away only to be shot in his office.... The CMS is shot and gee looks likee very one is dying so of course we go back to the Dana death watch 2000. Mulder and Skinner chat, they bond and stuff. Skinner tells Mulder CSM is dead. Mulder then tells Skinner....
MULDER: A miracle happened!
SKINNER: A miracle? What the Bills won the Super bowl?
MULDER: No a real life not dreaming miracle sir.
SKINNER: Mulder you are full of shit!
MULDER: Nah sir relay Scully is in remission whoo hoo .....
SKINNER: Coolies! Can I go in and say hi?
MULDER: Yeah she’d want to see you... she sort of feels bad for calling you a rat fink and stuff, she’s in there with the Scully clan partying....
Skinner goes in and yep a miracle happened, Scully is in remission and all are toasting with the sacramental wine and Scully is dancing on the bed yelling "It’s a miracle! I miracle I tell you! It's a wonderful life!"

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