
'Soft Light' A Glimmer of Nothingness
by C.Schmidt ®

This is my version of events and all the good people that really brought to the show have nothing to do with this and they would never have nothing to do with me! There I am disclaimed.

Opening Scene -
We see a hotel, then some dude go into is room and get comfy as he takes his shoes off and pours himself a night cap. We also see a mollie looking nervous guy wonder the halls of the hotel until he comes to the comfy guy’s room. The nervous guy knocks, no pounds on the door across the way and finally the comfy guy gets up to see what all the noise is all about. The nervous guys shadow sort of touches the comfy guy, and the nervous guy is to slow to kill the hallway light so the comfy guy kind of gets reduced to this black of mess of nothingness the floor. The nervous guy runs....

Cue'DA Music -
"I’m being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow. Leapin’ and hoppin’ on a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow. And if I ever lose my hands, lose my power lose my hands, Oh if I ever lose my hands, oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh, I won’t have to work no more."
‘Moon Shadow’ Cat Stevens

Mulder and Scully arrive at the hotel and chat about how Scully knows the detective on the case. They get there, Scully for a quick second thinks maybe Tooms was here, that thought quickly passes as they see the mess on the floor...

MULDER: Scully, come look at this.
SCULLY: Looks like someone had an accident and didn’t make it to the potty.

MULDER: No it is a burn mark of some type, and is it me or does anyone else this look an arm?

SCULLY: Just you, that ain’t no arm.

MULDER: Ok Scully bare with me, lets just pretend I’m looking out the peep whole and watch.

Mulder sort of re-enacts what he thinks happened. They end up in the hallway and Mulder notices the light blub is weird.

MULDER: Was this dusted for prints?

RYAN: It will be...

MULDER: And make sure you check it against the missing mans prints, all the employees that worked here, everyone in the city of Richmond, Ah hell everyone in Virginia while you are at it.

RYAN : Anything else?

MULDER: Yeah, we will be needing lunch soon so pick me up a liverwurst on rye, and Scully a Turkey on white with two iced teas and a bag of sunflower seeds.

RYAN: May I ask what you think of this case?

MULDER: First guess.... spontaneous human combustion.

RYAN: Uh, huh...

SCULLY: Just ignore him, his first guesses are always wrong. Remember all the stuff I told ok.

MULDER: What have you been telling her?
RYAN: Something about clones, speedos, porn flicks, believing in UFOs and that you are paranoid as hell.

MULDER: She lies, you can’t trust her. See I was right I can’t trust no one! Now hurry along and get our lunch or we won’t solve this case for you, and you record will to go to crap real fast.

Mulder walks down the hall and Scully follows him...

SCULLY: Now aren't we being just ever so pleasant to the newbie detective.

MULDER: She is new and it is part of the breaking in process remember all the shit I made you do?

SCULLY : Remember? I’m still doing it... I bet in another 2 years I still won’t have a desk! Anyway your spontaneous thing... That is so dumb!

MULDER: Shall I go into a long drawn out Mulderism to make my case, I have scientific stuff to back me up...

SCULLY: Um... Lets just forget for a moment to there is no scientific evidence to support all the stuff in your Mulderism....

MULDER: Ok, sounds like a plan. So that means we are done when I file the paper work. I’m going to go have lunch.

SCULLY: Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a very boring episode?

MULDER: Because we are breaking in a new writer and he knows nothing yet. That is why now come on I’m starving lets go.

Mulder and Scully go to visit one of the past victim’s house and find the weird light bulb thing again and another black spot on the carpet. Scully also now knows what to get Mulder for Christmas, some utility belt. Anyway Mulder finds a clue in the trash. And they figure out it has something to do with trains.

In the train station the nervous guy sits and smokes then leaves. While in an alley he is stopped by two cops, they don’t listen and get reduced to black smudge marks on the pavement. The nervous guy flees. In the morning everybody is hanging out at the scene of the two ink blots on the pavement. Ryan gives them the low down. Mulder and Scully go and watch video surveillance tapes. They get a face and dash down to the local science experiment place and chat with the local scientist business dude. He tells Mulder and Scully the scoop.

SCIENCE/BUSINESS GUY: Chester found the dark matter stuff, and a new particle.


S/B GUY: Well not if you were Chester.

MULDER: How so?

S/B GUY: Well Chester’s work got screwed he made an error and now all that appears left of him is this thing on the wall, come look.


MULDER: Is that all you have to add to this Scully is cool?

SCULLY: Um, yeah this is cool.

MULDER: Could you excuses us while I discuss with my partner why she thinks this is so cool.

The Scientist guy leaves and lets them chat but he is listening to the whole thing. Mulder and Scully go to the train station and kill about 8hrs looking for their shadows in the soft light until the nervous guy... Um.. lets call him Chester shows. He runs and Mulder and Scully chase him . After a chase seen they catch him, Mulder is smart and blows the light bulbs out before Scully steps on the shadow.

Mulder and Scully question the Chester guy he explains and then tells how he was set up, then Ryan pops in and asks Mulder and Scully to step out side.

SCULLY: What’s up Ryan?

MULDER: You never showed with our lunch Ryan and that is not a good thing.

BIG STRONG POLICE GUY: May I ask why the FBI is here?

MULDER: We are here as a favor...

BSPG: A Favor? Look I saw your outstanding tickets for all those parking violations Agent Scully and coming here to pretend to help Ryan will not get you off the hook.

SCULLY: Those aren’t my tickets I just took the blame for Mulder because if he gets any more tickets they will take his license away.

BSPG: Yeah sure, we know how bad women drivers are so I ain’t buying it anyway it doesn’t matter we have everything under control so you can just go pay your fine and leave thank you very much.

MULDER: I guess we ain’t wanted no more so lets go Scully.

SCULLY: Cool we are done and can go home now?

MULDER: Yep! They don’t want us here no more and well I don’t want to be here no more as they are dumb and don’t realize nor will they realize that we are always right. So lets leave and let them die. Anyway Ryan is a bad suck up and never brought us our lunch.

SCULLY: Yeah right we better hurry and get out of town before they get turned into the next carpet stain, then we would be forced to stay.

Mulder and Scully leave. Later Mulder waits at the train station and X shows up... X turns out to be no help. Well X figures he will get Chester for himself but X botches the attempt and Chester flees.

Mulder and Scully of course know what is up and go to the place the believe Chester will be. Only Chester chats with his old partner then Ryan shows up and tries to arrest Chester. Needless to say she is toast.. um.. a black spot on the floor. The science business guy turns out to be a rat fink and X shows up. Actually the rat fink gets a bullet to the head, then put in the chamber so it looks like Chester died. Mulder and Scully arrive to late. Mulder later chats with X. Nothing great is revealed so Mulder leaves.

Closing Scene -

Scully is at the funeral for the young Ryan chick....

MULDER: You ok?

SCULLY: Yeah I guess, but this shouldn’t have happened.

MULDER: What the episode, or Ryan’s death?


MULDER: Well it was beyond your control, as you don’t write this stuff Chris does.

SCULLY: In this case it was Vince Gilligan.

MULDER: I wonder if he is any relations to Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island?

SCULLY : Well with the way this episode went maybe.... Anyway where the hell were you in my hour of need here for this funeral?

MULDER: Well I was chatting with X and hoping he could set me up with more skin’s tickets, you know those come in handy when bribing people.

SCULLY: Oh, so...

MULDER : Then I went to the police station.


MULDER: There was another missing person’s filed. It appears Chester ain’t dead, and I had to take of your parking tickets since Ryan is dead they were going to make you pay 3 times the amount of the ticket because we are FBI and they hate the FBI.

SCULLY: Screw’em we got friends in high places, we can sick them on these dumb Richmond police types. So did you get it straighten out?

MULDER: Yeah; I told them basically the same thing you just said. But they laughed. So I tried to bribe them with some skins tickets...


MULDER: They laughed as they all have season tickets.

SCULLY: Oh great so now I have to pay huh?

MULDER: Nope, seems as if I did have something they wanted.

SCULLY : Yeah what was that?

MULDER: Well you know about my soft spot for porn right?

SCULLY: Yeah so...

MULDER: Well I got a really hot video I the mail the other day and that seemed to do the trick as they were all dying to have it.

SCULLY: Should I ask what the name of the video is?

MULDER: It was The Turning.


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