İCrazy silver vixen, leader of Eclipse, on whom Skylar has a big ol'
crush |
Gypsy dancer from far to the south, her clan was destroyed when she was
a young'n. |
That little goody goody mousemaid from Redwall, kinda quiet and shy. |
Hyper vixen! Give her a latte and watch her bounce. ;) |
Warrior fox who has a bit of a crush on Silvie. Hangs around Eclipse for
that very reason. |
Poor little weasel gal, with little money to her name. Kae is kind of a
loner. |
Best pally to Kit, Taan's husband. 'Bugger' has a crush on Silva too, but
she thinks he's an oddball. |
Fashion model gal, whose character was designed after the webmistress got
a dElIA*s catalogue. |
Ditzy, hyper vixen who is The Silver Vixen's namesake. |
Warrior type dogfox, neither friend nor enemy to anyone. Kind of a loner. |