Silva Vixen evolved from a need for a nickname on Yerf, and my desire to use something slightly original. She was created before Emmalee, or I probably would've used that name. Not only that, but at that time I wasn't overly fond of Flame, so her name was added to my nicknames later. I'm not too fond of Silva, I took her name from Silvamord, because I didn't really want to use a copyrighted name for my Yerf directory. Anyway, I don't draw many piccies of Silva Vixen, though she's my main character. She's a ditz, and quite annoying, but....anyway. She's sort of my hyper side.
1. Gender: Female
2. Species: Fox
3. Fur color: Surprisingly, it's not silver. It's basic fox red. There's a story behind this, if you wanna know, email me from the main page or something.
4. Headfur color: Blonde
5. Age: 7 1/2 seasons, or 15 years.
6. Eye color: Gray blue
7. Height: 5'0
8. Weight: 100 lbs
9. Favorite food: Junk food.
10. Occupation: Teenager with no life