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By Category
- My favorite sites are:
- New England Patriots
- Gamespot
Here are my links:
Amazon.com - Buy books and more online.
Beckett's Magazine Online -Magazine Info and Card Prices
Blizzard -This is the site of Blizzard, makers of Warcraft II.
CDnow -Buy CDs online
Civilization 2 Messages -A message board for all your questions about Civilization II
ESPN -Get scores and more from ESPN.
Game Spot -A site that reviews games and programs

Gif Wizard -Shrink your gif pictures file sizes
Happy Puppy Games site -A site of game demos and info
Heaven's Gate site -A replica site of the famous cult.
HTFL -An online football league
Illusion Works -Tons of optical and other illusions
IQ Test -Test your IQ!
King Philip Autocad -The site for the King Philip Autocad department.
Klik N' Play -Here you can order Klik N' Play to make your own games or look at other games people have made.

L Page -Get your own free guestbook.
Mensa -Mensa's website
Microprose -They made Master of Orion, Civilization and Civilization II.
NASA Today -Recent NASA news and pictures
NFL -The National Football League's website

Patriots football -The site of my favorite football team.
PC Gamer -The site of the great computer game magazine
a href="http://eggcite.com/pudland/"> Pudland -Another site of great Warcraft II stuff.
Pudzone -A site full of other Warcraft II scenarios and strategies.
Red's Proggies -Get cool stuff
Seinfeld Episode Guide -A great guide to all the Seinfeld episodes.
Seinfeld Sounds Page -Hundreds of sound clips from Seinfeld
Seti Institute -Information on the SETI Institute
Sierra Online -This site has free demos of many Sierra games and updates for other Sierra games.
Simpsons -The Simpsons Interactive Home Page
Sports Illustrated -Sports Illustrated online contains up to date scores and other great stuff from the magazine.

Spyder Owner's Group -The latest information on the Spyder paintball gun
Street of my geocities site -The Street my house is on in Geocities. It contains many other Science fiction sites.
WAAF 107.3 FM Boston -This is the site of a radio station. They have some great pictures and sound files.
Warcraft II page -More stuff on Warcraft II
Warcraft 2 -Another Warcraft II page, including a strategy guide
Warpig Paintball -A page on Paintball.
Winzip -The Winzip compression utility
Wrentham Rocketeers -Homepage of my online HTFL football team
Wrentham, MA -The web page of my hometown.
X-Files - The official X-Files site.
X-Files Swedish Page - Vote for your favorite episode.
X-Paper - Unofficial X-Files site.
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This page was last updated January 23, 1998.