Welcome to my Civilization II Page

Here are some tips for Civilization II:
- At the beginning of the game, you can restart until you get either free technology or a second settler.
- Expand- Early in the game, build a
settler for every two or three people you get in a city.
- Always have a few settlers upgrading land with mining, irrigation, or roads.
- You should always be building at least one settler to go create a new city.
- You should always start each city with
defensive units
. They help with happiness under some governments and will defend your city. In easier levels, you can build
City Walls,
Library, and
Marketplace first, but in harder levels, the
Temple is more important.
- You should try to get the wonders listed below.
- Any cities with a three or more food surplus, take a man off farming and turn him into a taxman or scientist.
- Always try to get Fundamentalism as early as possible -You will have no unhappy people, and all the entertainment buildings will give you gold. Although it halves science production, this can be made up for with
SETI Program and by changing all the taxmen and entertainers into scientists.
- Under fundamentalism, entertainers and most taxmen are unnecessary. Change them to scientists or put them back on farming.
- To boost city growth, change to republic and raise luxuries very high for a few years. Any cities with enough food and in We Love the King Day will grow by one person per year.
- Try to get all the land in the city radius to have either mined hills or farmed grassland and put railroads on all of them.
- As soon as your population reaches six, build an aquaduct and when it hits ten, build a sewer system.
- If you get the Statue of Liberty, change to Fundamentalism.
- For more important info, look at my strategy guide.
Here is the list of Wonders you should be sure to get:
Pyramids (Masonry)
Leonardo’s Workshop (Invention)
Darwin’s Voyage (Railroad)
Adam Smith’s Trading Co. (Economics)
United Nations (Communism)
SETI Program (Computers)
Apollo Program (Space Flight)
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This page was last updated Sunday, July 19, 1998.