T H E C O S M I C G R A N D D E C E P T I O N Pt1 |
In mid-May, 1992, tens of millions of people all over the country viewed the CBS presentation of "INTRUDERS", which alleged to be the true dramatization of documented alien interaction with the human race. An interaction which involved various "experiments" which were being conducted by this alien race upon the people of America and, in fact, the world. What is happening to thousands of people, some of whom were depicted in the CBS presentation, that would convince the producers at CBS to produce an allegedly factual and respectable presentation of this kind on a subject which has in the past been the target of suspicion and ridicule? In these 'Files' we will attempt to probe every aspect of this and related phenomena, and just what these events mean to every man, woman, and child on this planet...
Since the beginning of time a "Cosmic Conflict" has been under way which has, over the millennia, resulted in the destruction of countless souls. Man has for the most part allowed himself to fall victim to this physical and tangible, yet unseen and unimaginably malevolent enemy by turning his back on his Creator, the only one able to expose this threat and offer that which is necessary to defeat it. |
In these last days a number of "unexplained phenomena" have appeared which have baffled the most brilliant minds on this planet. Many of these "phenomena" are the OUTWARD manifestations of this cosmic conspiracy which is being orchestrated by an alien influence which is so deceptive, elusive, cunning, evil and insidious that we are no match to them alone; that is, outside of Divine Intervention. There are many such phenomena. To name just a few of these, there are the phenomena commonly known as cattle mutilations, crop circles, the Bermuda and Devil's Triangles, Poltergeist manifestations, strange disappearances and teleportations, spontaneous combustion, so-called "fortean falls" of objects from the sky, various occult manifestations and "voices from nowhere", conspiracies, unexplained artifacts, para-speleological phenomena. The list goes on and on. However, one of the most prominent of these "phenomena" is the one which is most commonly referred to as the "UFO mystery". We should rule out the possibility of a mass hallucination or hoax whereas the overall "mystery" is concerned, as thousands upon thousands of people, many in prominent social positions, have reported these unidentified objects and even their "occupants" on numerous occasions. |
The question to ask is not whether the phenomena exists, but what is BEHIND it. John Keel, a veteran UFO researcher who has investigated thousands of UFO reports since his involvement with the U.S. Intelligence Community several years ago, and who has even fed hundreds of accounts into computers in an attempt to uncover patterns and similarities between reports, made the following statement in his book "OPERATION TROJAN HORSE" (G. P. Putnam's Sons., New York. pp. 206-207): "...Already you can understand why so many people have been in total confusion for so long. The whole mystery is designed to keep us confused and skeptical... Our skies have been filled with "Trojan horses" throughout history, and like the original Trojan Horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent... Several hard facts are now apparent: The objects have always chosen to operate in a clandestine manner, furtively choosing the hours of darkness in their enigmatic activities over thinly populated areas, where the possibility of being detected is slight... In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were, they are part of something else. I call this "something else" Operation Trojan Horse... Operation Trojan Horse is merely the same old game in a new, updated guise. The Devil's emissaries of yesteryear have been replaced by the mysterious "men in black"... The demons, devils and false angels were recognized as liars and plunderers by early man (trying to get rid of him) by fostering disasters, wars, and sundry evils upon him. There is historical and modern proof that this may be so." During the past few centuries, and especially since the end of World War II, there have been dramatic increases in sightings of objects such as Keel describes. |
These "signs in the skies" have caused considerable consternation and confusion among those who have witnessed them. One of the major points of confusion is the debate over whether the objects and occupants are physical- solid or paraphysical-spiritual in nature. The problem is, most cases involve aspects which would give the witness confirmation that either one or the other are true. In other words, physical aspects AS WELL AS paraphysical aspects are involved in many of the encounters, and since few are willing to accept the possibility that BOTH could be true (in essence gravitating to one or the other extreme - physical or non-physical) the confusion continues. However, in this report we will present the possibility for the existence of a "race" of creatures which are non-human, though physical, yet which are "possessed" with supernatural powers of infernal origin. The following IS NOT a repetition of some of the common or traditional theories and beliefs concerning the origin of UFO's and the nature of their occupants; that is, the idea that these craft ORIGINATE from distant stars of galaxies and that they are ALL operated by "highly-evolved" human-like beings. It is our firm opinion, based upon years of research into this nebulous subject, that BOTH claims (i.e. extraterrestrial ORIGIN and evolved human nature of ALL aliens) are actually smokescreens intentionally created to hide the TRUE nature and origin of the MAJORITY of the UFO "entities". We should state here that although the majority of UFO encounters involve creatures which are hominoid yet not human, there are nevertheless several accounts where actual flesh-and-blood HUMAN BEINGS have been encountered. In some cases apparent conflicts between the human occupants and the other (non-human) entities have been referred to. Based upon numerous indications, it appears that certain groups of humans over the last three or four thousand years have in one way or another come across various forms of unconventional sciences and technologies capable of enabling them to eventually produce such aerial craft; that these have long since left "mainstream" civilization after forming scientific societies or fraternities composed of the best minds such ancient societies had to offer, only to carry on their advanced learning and scientific research in secret or hidden recesses in remote parts of the earth, and perhaps eventually on or within other planetary bodies as well. This conclusion is based on many ancient accounts which tend to confirm this particular hypothesis. |
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