T H E C O S M I C G R A N D D E C E P T I O N Part Four |
There are so many documented accounts in fact which suggest the existence of such an extensive cavernous region spanning the nether regions of this planet, that the possibility should at least be considered. If such a region exists, then one may argue: Why has it's existence escaped those on the surface for so long? One possible answer to this might be that if such a region exists, and it is at least in PART inhabited by physical creatures which are in constant league and communication with fallen angels or demonic entities, then these non-physical beings would probably have just as much to lose if the existence of these caverns became widely known as do their reptilian allies. There are numerous cases in which those who have tried to learn about what's going on underground (or have had some encounter or some knowledge of these nether regions, or have attempted to research accounts relating to them outside of the protection or divine guidance of Almighty God) have either suffered from spiritual or psychic attacks and oppression, sometimes to the point of being driven to insanity, or have turned up missing altogether. Some have apparently died of mysterious circumstances as well, or were driven to suicide. Something is definitely going on "down there" which certain very malevolent entities DO NOT want us on the surface to know about. We will state with all conviction however, that if one is not willing to allow God, through Christ, to guide and direct their research into this area, then they had better leave it alone. We know of too many people who have tried to pry into this subject outside of God's grace who have been destroyed either mentally or physically as a result. Also, the MORE WE WORK TOGETHER IN A UNITED EFFORT to defend ourselves against this "alien" threat, the better off we will be individually. Aside from the Malta incident, there have been numerous other accounts suggesting that hundreds, if not thousands, of people have disappeared without a trace in or around unexplored caverns in different parts of the world. As we have said, these "nether" regions are the most likely origin place for the majority of the phenomena known as the "UFO's". Many of these craft have been seen entering and leaving caverns or openings in remote mountains, canyons, etc. There are cases on record where reptilian-like "alien" beings such as those described by witnesses of UFO encounters, have also been seen in caverns and natural or artificial underground recesses. |
These reports are relatively few in number, but they do exist. It is conceivable that few who ever have had such an encounter ever return to tell about it. These creatures are often described as being similar to the "UFO occupants" witnessed by police officer/patrolman Herb Shermer. Shermer described these creatures which he swore he encountered outside of Ashland, Nebraska, shortly after midnight on December 3rd, 1967: "They were from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Their uniforms were silver-gray, very shiny. Their suits came up around their heads like a pilot's cap. On the right side of their helmet's they had a small antenna, just above where the ear would be. Their chests were bigger than ours, they were built very wiry and muscular. Their eyes were the one thing I will never forget... THE PUPIL WENT UP AND DOWN LIKE A SLIT. When they looked at me they stared straight into my eyes. They didn't blink. It was REAL uncomfortable. Their noses were flat, their mouths looked more like a slit than a regular mouth..." The fact that the pupils of the creatures encountered by Shirmer were "slit-like" would indicate that the creatures were most likely reptilian-saurian in nature, as most snakes and lizards, etc., have vertical-slit pupils. The reptilian connection which we make with the creatures encountered by officer Shirmer is not based solely on his testimony alone, but on other testimonies of various persons who have also encountered creatures similar to the ones just described. Many of these accounts give a more definite link between the ancient reptilian- saurian race which disappeared from the surface of this planet ages ago, and the non-human UFOnauts encountered by literally thousands of individuals. These cases will be dealt with later on in this and other Files. From the various accounts which have been gathered, it seems as if these sauroid UFO occupants go to extreme lengths to hide themselves, or at least their true nature. It almost seems as if they are "chameleon-like" attempting to pass themselves off as human-like beings in order to gain the willing assistance of certain humans who they find it necessary to use in order to carry out their demonic agenda. Perhaps this explains the "silvery suits" which obscured all but their faces. Could this have been in part an attempt to conceal underlying reptilian features? |
A special report released by the CRYSTAL BALL NEWSLETTER (P.O. Box 4080., Torrance, CA 90510) titled "THE SHAVER MYSTERY" related a tragic incident which took place in southern Canada. The incident involved a group of explorers who came across a cavern in which they had discovered, deep in it's interior, a strange thing. In one of the cavern chambers they found a perfectly cylindrical shaft which had apparently been bored straight down through solid rock. The shaft was far too perfect to have been the result of natural geological phenomena (such shafts, by the way, have been encountered in numerous other caverns throughout the world). As they were studying the "bore" they were suddenly and without warning "attacked" by creatures about 4 ft. tall or a little larger. These attackers utilized some type of heat-ray against the unsuspecting explorers. The creatures were similar in description to many of the occupants reported in connection with UFO encounters, or the "greys" as many UFOlogists now refer to them. One witness claimed that when the attack came he was knocked unconscious into a remote alcove. When he "came to" the other explorers were either dead or missing. He himself suffered from severe burns; in fact his burns were so severe that he died as a result of them a few days later, but before that he was able to struggle to a nearby village and warn the others about what had happened. The entrance to the cavern was then blasted shut by dynamite in order to keep anyone else from entering. QUEST INTERNATIONAL (c/o 15, Pichard Court., Temple Newsam., Leeds, L515 9AY., ENGLAND U.K.), a major British UFO research organization consisting mainly of retired Police, Security and Military personnel, is presently investigating what may well be the most documentable case of the crash-retrieval of an unidentified flying disk to date. |
On the 7th of May, 1989, NORAD installations allegedly tracked an unidentified object as it entered African air-space. The South African Air Force is also said to have tracked the craft by radar, traveling at a calculated speed of 5746 nautical miles per hour. The incident was related by a South African Intelligence Worker, who along with documentation of his military position, also sent documents and transcripts to two QUEST INTERNATIONAL investigators, Tony Dodd and Henry Azadehdel, telling of the event. Also, several RECORDED telephone conversations with high-ranking military and government officials were obtained which strongly suggest that "something" did in fact happen over South African terrain. Some of these recorded conversations involved military officials in South Africa who strongly reprimanding the intelligence worker-turned-informer over the phone. This was due to the fact that the informer had left South Africa for Britain, where he stayed at the house of the researchers, and then later went into hiding. QUEST INTERNATIONAL director Graham W. Birdsall has stated that the documentation and the individuals involved in the incident are of such a nature that the event must have taken place, or the International Intelligence Community is collectively perpetrating a hoax concerning a recovered flying disk. Birdsall strongly suspects that the incidents did take place, due to the weight of evidence. Following is part of a word-for-word transcript given to the researchers by the informant, describing what he alleged to be the actual top secret report of the initial tracking of the object: "...The object entered South African air space at 13.52 GMT. Radio contact was attempted with object, but all communications proved futile. As a result two armed Mirage fighters were scrambled. A short time later the object suddenly changed course at great speed which would have been impossible for conventional aircraft to duplicate. "At 13.59 GMT, Squadron Leader ----- the pilot of the fighter reported that they had radar and visual confirmation of the object. The order was given to arm and fire the experimental aircraft-mounted Thor 2 laser cannon. This was done. "Squadron leader ----- reported that several blinding flashes emitted from the object which had started wavering whilst heading in a northerly direction. At 14.02 is was reported that the object was decreasing altitude at a rate of 3000 feet per minute. Then at speed it dived at an angle of 25 degrees and impacted in desert terrain 80 miles north of the South African border with Botswana, identified as the central Kalahari desert. Squadron leader ----- was instructed to circle the area until a retrieval team arrived. A team of Air Force Intelligence Officers, together with medical and technical staff were promptly taken to the area of impact for Investigation and retrieval. The findings were as follows: 1) a crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in depth. 2) A silver coloured disk shaped object 45 degrees embedded inside of crater. 3) Around the object sand and rocks were fused together by the intense heat. 4) An intense magnetic and radio-active environment around the object resulted in electronic failure of air force equipment (causing the crash of one Air Force helicopter). 5) The object was eventually moved to an Air Force Base for further investigation. 6) The terrain of impact was filled with sand and rubble to disguise all evidence of the event having taken place..." The report indicated that a hydraulic type landing gear was fully deployed, suggesting that electronic malfunction had caused the object to crash, probably due to the Thor 2 laser cannon having been fired at the craft. While the team observed the object at the Air Force Base a loud sound was heard. It was then noted that a hatch on the lower side of the craft had opened slightly and appeared to be stuck. This opening was later forced with the use of hydraulic pressure equipment, at which point two humanoid entities in tight fitting grey suits emerged and were promptly apprehended. |
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