T H E C O S M I C G R A N D D E C E P T I O N Part Five |
The report stated that the entities were of the following description (emphasis ours - Branton): "HEIGHT: 4-5.5 ft.; COMPLEXION: Greyish blue - skin texture smooth, extremely resilient; HAIR: Totally devoid of any bodily hair; HEAD: Oversize in relation to human proportions. Raised cranium with dark blue markings around head; FACE: Prominent cheek bones; EYES: Large and slanted upwards towards side of face. No pupils seen; NOSE: Small consisting of two nostrils; MOUTH: Small slit devoid of lips; JAW: Small in relation to human proportions; BODY/ARMS: Long and thin reaching just above knees; HANDS: CONSISTING OF 3 DIGITS, WEBBED, CLAW-LIKE NAILS; TORSO: CHEST AND ABDOMEN COVERED WITH SCALY RIBBED SKIN; HIPS: Small narrow; LEGS: Short and thin; GENITALS: NO EXTERIOR sexual organs; FEET: CONSISTING OF THREE TOES, NO NAILS AND WEBBED. NOTES: Due to AGGRESSIVE NATURE of humanoids, no samples of blood or tissue could be taken (One humanoid ATTACKED DOCTOR causing DEEP SCRATCHES ON FACE AND CHEST). When offered various food, refused to eat... One way passage has been requested for both humanoids to Wright Patterson Air Force Base USA for more advanced investigation and research..." Many of the details regarding these "humanoids" are actually very similar to other branches of the reptilian race as it has been described by other witnesses. It appears as if the serpent race is composed of several different branches or types, much the same as dogs or other animals retain their distinction but are composed of several different "types". Commonly known reptiles are devoid of bodily hair, have prominent cheek bones, large slanted eyes, small openings in place of ears, 3-digit webbed hands and feet - except in the case of snakes, etc., which lost their limbs through atrophication over 1000's of years - have claws, are covered with "scaly" ribbed skin, and have no external reproductive organs, being egg-layers, and are aggressive and predatory in nature. |
The top-secret document indicated that the passage of the object and creatures would be implemented on the 23rd of June, 1989 to Wright Patterson AFB. Actually, sources DO indicate that Wright Patterson DID IN FACT GO ON RED ALERT on that date. Subsequent documents supplied by the Intelligence source to Q.I. indicate that the creatures seemed to have a strong connection with the SAURIAN race which existed in ancient times. The exact wording of one particular document which is now in the hands of QUEST INTERNATIONAL is as follows: "All informations found aboard alien spacecraft concerning the evolution of alien life forms indicates to an evolution similar to that which we find on Earth PRIOR TO THE EXTINCTION OF THE DINOSAURS... (the findings indicate) a high degree of adaptability. Further physiological and psychological studies performed in South Africa and in the United States points to a simple and complex structure of behavior. It would seem as if these lifeforms CAN NOT FUNCTION INDEPENDENTLY WITHOUT GROUP INTELLIGENCE AND IDENTITY TOGETHER WITH A CENTRAL COMMAND. According to additional informations found aboard retrieved craft a separate race is designated superior by them. CONCLUSION: An in-depth study and analysis of the psychological make-up and behavior prediction is advised. Studies performed on two alien life forms captured has proven that they cannot act independently from own acquired intelligence without access to communication, orders and instructions from a hierarchy or central command..." Three different aspects of the South African affair in fact coincide very closely with what other sources have revealed concerning these reptilian-saurian alien creatures: 1) Several sources, many of whom we will quote later on, state that the "saurian grays" are the lower echelon of a hidden reptilian hierarchy, and that the other race which is considered to be superior is saurian-reptilian-hominoid as well, although they are a different and larger "branch" of the serpent race; 2) Many other sources state that the serpent race-saurians-reptilians operate on a "collective consciousness" level as if the individual alien beings are - to put it in one perspective - individual "cells" in an immense mind or body of a single immense creature. Actually there seems to be a COMBINATION of both individuality AS WELL AS "collective consciousness" operating in these entities. 3) The description of the "aliens" as well as the electromagnetic nature of their craft corresponds exactly with descriptions given in HUNDREDS of separate reports of this nature. |
The Intelligence Officer who contacted QUEST INTERNATIONAL and provided them with the information, claims he did so out of concern for the security of the human race as a whole, and although he was pressured into signing a 'National Secrecy Act' form he believes that he would be guilty of treason against the human race if he did not disclose what he knew, and what the governments were trying to hide. It is remarkable that the majority of the non-human occupants reported in connection with these AERIAL craft are said to be REPTILIAN or SAURIAN in nature, especially in light of such prophecies as the one given in Revelation chapter 12, which reads: "...And there was WAR IN HEAVEN: Michael fought against THE DRAGON; and THE DRAGON fought and his angels... and the GREAT DRAGON was cast out, that OLD SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECIEVETH the whole world..." One of the "phenomena" which we mentioned earlier has taken place in several different parts of the world, but most prominently along the Continental Divide region of the U.S. Since the late 1960's, bizarre animal (especially cattle) mutilations have been on the increase. Numerous accounts claim that these mutilations were performed with laser-fine surgical precision with cuts so precise (down to the separation of the molecules themselves) that they could not have been accomplished by the conventionally known technology of the time. Eyes, colons, reproductive organs, etc., are very often reported as having been removed in such a manner as if part of a rehearsed process being carried out in widely scattered locations. The blood is almost always described as having been drained with no resulting vascular collapse (also impossible with the conventional technology of our society at the time). In most cases no tracks or markings in the ground have been discovered, which is another mystery that investigators for a large part have been unable to explain; but in the few cases where markings have been reported, the investigators report over and over again the existence of strange "tripod" and "crop-circle" marks in the ground, nothing else. Another strange phenomena surrounding these mutilations is the fact that predatory birds and other animals which have fed off the carcasses of the mutilated animals have often been found lying dead nearby. It is even reported that maggots refuse to touch such carcasses. Again, the reason is unknown. |
Just who or what is mutilating these animals? In the Vol. 5, No. 4, 1990 issue of "UFO" Magazine (pp. 16-17), Linda Moulton Howe, in her article, "THE HARVEST CONTINUES: ANIMAL MUTILATION UPDATE" made some very remarkable observations concerning the mutilators themselves. She wrote: "In 1989, there were so many cattle mutilations in southern Idaho that Bear Lake County Sheriff Brent Bunn told me: 'We haven't seen anything like this since the 1970's.' Sheriff Bunn sent me 16 neatly-typed 'Investigation Reports' about cattle mutilations that had taken place in his county between May and December. Over half occurred in a remote valley called Nounan. Only eighty people lived there. Ranching is their main income source, and cattle are precious. Disease and predators are old and well-understood enemies. What descended on Nounan, Idaho in the summer and fall of 1989 was not understood--and it scared people. "'Bloodless cuts--that's what bothers people,' officer Greg Athay wrote in his mutilation report, 'There were no visible signs of the cause of death. It appeared that only the soft tissues (nose, lips and tongue) were gone off the head and four nipples off the bag. Again there was no blood on the hair and ground.'" Howe described another incident which took place in this region during the same time-period. This series of mutilations involved mostly cattle, over half of which were young calves: "...One mutilated calf, found December 24 (1989), north of Downey, Idaho, was found lying on its back with the naval, rectum and genitals neatly cut out of the steer's white belly. No blood was found anywhere. The steer was taken for an autopsy to Dr. Chris Oats, D.V.M., at the Hawthorne Animal Hospital. Dr. Oats checked all the vital organs and was unable to determine the cause of death. During the autopsy, a sharp cut was found in the right chest area, and Dr. Oats also discovered that a main artery had been severed under the chest wound. "She was surprised that 'the steer had lost a large amount of blood, but (she) could not understand where it went to.' There was no blood on the steer or on the ground. Dr. Oats also determined that the steer had not been dragged by the neck or tied up around the feet." Linda Howe also confirmed the fact that strange aerial disks have often been reported in connection with the mutilations: |
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