
Most people today feel over-worked and over-stressed. Yoga
has been proven to reduce stress and tension. "No pain, no gain" attitudes
are quickly dismissed in Yoga classes. "Listen to your body, go at your own
pace" is Yoga's replacement catch phrase. Cardiovascular, strength and flexability
are necessary components of a complete fitness package. Since walking has replaced
running in popularity as a cardiovacular exercise, you can understand how the majority
of the population wants alternatives to feeling "the burn" and killer exercises
(for strength and flexibility).
Yoga reflects a new trend of how we view exercising.
Jodie Strausbaugh was featured on Fox 43 News demonstrating stress reducing
breathing techniques derived from Yoga.
Yoga In Motion
- Yoga exercises are often performed at a slower pace than other exercises.
- The movements emphasize quality rather than quantity.
- Yoga exercises are process focussed rather than goal-oriented and
are performed in a non-competitive spirit;
- Yoga emphasizes listening to your body and learning to pay attention to your feelings.
Yoga Asanas
Yoga is often referred to as a tree (with eight limbs), and these limbs represent
eight steps or guildlines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. Within the
third limb, Asana, the postures and positions are used to develop the habit of discipline
and the ability to concentrate. Asanas are the Sanskrit name for the postures found in Hatha Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is considered for those who are on a very physical path.
Many fitness enthusiasts are becoming interested in this mind-body fitness approach.
Whether its because their doctor has recommended it, or because it just feels better,
Hatha Yoga has proven to be a viable option for almost everyone.
The centuries old practice of Hatha Yoga has been reborn into today's fitness industry.
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[Health and Fitness] Created April, 2000 |