Lea Storry Gambia and Korea Page
Lea's Storrys and photos

Oceans are kicking and the sky can be orange. Dive in and sputter salt water or grey clouds. Travel on and on and on. No regrets, ever and never.


Nanowrimo winner 2008.

Official NaNoWriMo 2007 Winner

This about me.. the Lea Storry


My stories blog.

Adopt an animal from the Fort Smith Animal Society. They are all good boys and girls!

West coast one more time.

Blazing music.

Great spring dirt skiing.

Four birthday.

Some fun times.

Vancouver Island time.

Winter time still.

One day of the year.

Project hanging out.

Home for a month.

A trip to Vancouver and Washington state.

Leah's (not me) charity. check it out and give if you can.

Ripping up the slopes in Revelstoke.

I heard about this job in Australia. It's supercool (and hot) and requires one to swim and blog. Two things of which I like to do. Many millions of others think they can do it too and are applying via video. Here's my lame attempt - wrote, directed, shot and acted by moi. It took over an hour to do because the quacking ducks kept throwing me off.

January hike.

Skiing is fun.

Speak out against proposed uranium exploration project for caribou calving grounds in Nunavut.

Christmas time in Nova Scotia 2008.

Skiing in the city.


Taking on Merritt with the Revelstoke hockey team.

Ween of the Hallo.

I was inspired to do a one minute film. It's not good but it's a start.

The pros at filmminute.

A weekend in the mountains.

May Contain Nuts UHF.

A weekend away before Trishy's big day.

I get a Nova Scotian visitor!

Lots of little stuffs

Northern Ontario and Cousin and Jerry get married


Can I get a wine tour?!

Buddy visits from NWT.

Kal RATS tri results 2008.

Pacific visit.

Kal RATS triathlon, beach fun and drive.

A weekend with friends.

Revelstoke rocking.

Watching soccer, heeking and a lake swim where I froze my toes.

Taking Caruso (my mountain bike) out for a spin and being a "celebrity" caddy although I am not (a celebrity or a caddy that is).

Ashlee and I hang out in Kelowna then hockey and then some jumping.

Visiting the Hunts, hiking and dirt skiing and see Project Canada film.

Just Vernon (with jazz hands).

Hockey and meeting Team Japan and seeing Char at a medival feast.

Fave cousin Nicole and Jerry visit!


I just might drop dead soon. Keep doing three activites everyday. Swimming in the morning - hockey - then skiing. Or swimming, kayaking then skiing.......

Some stuff with lifeguarding and skiing and some parties.

Treehouse party.

Dog sledding and burning stuff.

Ice fog.

More skiing.

Winning the tournament in Fort Simpson.

Capturing clouds.

CBC online feature "Where is God today?" I wrote a piece on being Christian and it was included.

Christmas holidays

Alex and the number 65!

Farewell Ashlee!

Smith morning and some hockey and skiing.

Goodbye Fong.

Dude (Dad) comes for a visit!

Remembrance Day weekend and on Monday I went swimming, skiing and played hockey all in the same day!

Some stuff like a band and hockey.


Stupid girl goes to the river alone and when listening to opera and sort of happy for one moment - runs into a bear.

Two years in Fort Smith...wow.

Meat...moose meat and walking without moose.

Yellowknife for NWT women's team hockey tryouts and it snows in Sept.

Frisbee wind-down and clearing ski trails.

Walk with Alex.

Biking here and there and on the trails to Fitz where the moss sucked almost all my energy.

First official attempt at being a wedding photographer for Ashely and Brad.

On a float plane going to a lake...and my garden which wasn't weeded when I was gone to Nova Scotia.

Kevbunny and Crystal get married...twice.

Last daily routine walk with the Hormoose.

All my photos from being home in Nova Scotia including two weddings, surfing, flying and lots of family and friends.

First few days home in Nova Scotia.

Monday night paddle in the Slave River.

End of July biking and paddling and SRJ office.

Hurtling over handlebars and into a fence. Also, green green garden growing and hand games.

Tomassimo feels better but his roommate does not.

Up in a giant Hercules military plane and another weekend of biking.

Weekend of biking, helicopter ride to see a fire, Canada Day and paddling.

Aboriginal Day.

Biking and gardening and Liz's birthday.

Journey for Change to end violence against Aboriginal women walk -- 25 KM. Plus, stiches out.

My finger was split open by playing %#@%@ softball!

Hiking and camping and I wish and I wish...

Relay For Life, Pelicans and Kayaks.

Lots of hiking and canoeing and Labour Day adventures.

Bear bike.

Snake sex in Wood Buffalo National Park


Harkey in Las Vegas!

Skating in Grease!

Fort Smith's Wood Buffalo Frolics!

Winter weekend - 15 km ski loppet and mini hockey tournament.

Happy birthday to me and sad byebye to Pauline and Simon.

Just stuff.

Fort Chipewyan bound.

Hay River hockey.

Pauline's 40th!

Back to lifeguarding again -- plus, pool grand opening.

Eight hours to Fort Simpson for hockey - one sub, lots of goals and dancing!

Helping build an airplane.

Bollywood for New Year's 2006!

You Tube: My US friend is part of a film crew doing a documentary on What is Canada? Linda and I are featured toward the end of the trailer interviewing the guys in YK (Yellowknife).

You Tube: Here is the Yellowknife preview with Linda and I in it. I had gone to Frisbee in YK and so was wearing athletic clothing at Folk on the Rocks.

You Tube: This is the raw footage of me and the crew in YK on top of the pilot monument. It's very late at night and the bugs weren't too bad. Though the US boys think they are. I sound stupid in the interview.

Byebye to Linda - my reporter friend in Hay River.

Winning the tournament - undefeated - shootout - three goals for me and three penalties as well!

Minus 35 but still walking the shelter dogs and going for a ski with Panter.

Smith womens' hockey clinic and me winning an award!

Skiing photos and me looking like a dork in Vernon at Frisbee.

Going to Lutsel K'e, flying the plane home (really) and weekender.

Fort Smith Ultimate Frisbee Club - Oily Voyeurs go to UHF in Vernon, BC.

Dancing in Vernon and skiing in Smith in winter.

My garden and my crashed up legs.

South Slave Friendship Festival.

Home boys at home in the Maritimes.

NWT landscape plus my photo of a wolf hiding.

Look up! Snowbirds were in town and here are my photos.

My friend Kevin's 31st.

Hawtwheelz and Hawtwinz (with bad hair) in Londontown.

Me and Yu (Linda) go to Yellowknife for Folk on the Rocks.

Friends and babies and me looking like a vampiro.

Smith summer weekend with bikes and sun and swimming and lots of biting bugs.

Lea and her friend Kevin go biking. Or rather: Kevin bikes and Lea walks and bikes.

Lea follows strikers to Yellowknife and then into a strip club (I didn't know) and then back in time for 12 hours of walking around a track with her hockey team!

Pine Lake party.

Slave River pelicans and rapidos

Reporter and I got stuck in the mud. (In a mini van)

My UK shots scanned in.

Yellowknife and Fort Smith shots

Lee-Anne's photos from our UK trip!

Photos from home!

Hockey fun in Fort Simpson!

Check out the fishing derby I went. Had to get there by an ice road. This is fort chipewyan alberta. A fly-community usually.

Arctic adventure. I went to a high school camping trip where they learned wilderness skills. Then I got stuck spending the night, which was unexpected and not all together unpleasant.

New Year's Eve 2005

New niece!!!

Just four NWT photos.

Surfing Mishmash 2005

Cousin James' wedding in Fort Frances, Northern Ontario.

A story of mine was published online. I had to write about an "odd girl celebrity crush". I wasn't allowed to pick any cute gal so I wrote off the top of my head about Reba Mcintrye - the country singer. I had just watched her show. Fiction is stranger than truth.

Friends home for summer 2005.

It is summer 2005.

Strike a pose.

Spring time photos and from Hottawa.... Hope you can see them.

My first published fiction story! It's in an e-book.

New York City!

Birthday and winter...

Merry Christmastime 2004

New Year's 2004

Fallfallfall away! 2004

Friends home in the summer 2004!

Nick and Barb and wedding fun in the USA!

Vacation time to Northern Ontario and Winnipeg 2004!!!

Winta time 2004!...

Christmas time 2003!...

Go to New Hampshire 2003...

Sam visits!....

A baby for Sara and Devin!! Plus wedding photos...

Family Fotos....

Italy and Scotland!

Summer 2003!!! Weddings and all....

I'm a pilot. See my planes...

Summer 2002...let's go!

More Summer 2002...let's go!

This is home....

This is Nova Scotia...enjoy...

This is me in South Korea...

This is me in The Gambia...

Friendsfriends and fiends...

The ULTIMATE game...

Visit Calgary...

There`s always B.C...

I like these...

My friend's (Chad) trip to see the Dalai Lama in India...

Archive - Here are some of my friends...

Sign my guestbook please

See my guestbook

My e-mail address: Bea73athotmaildotcom

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My blog is going into outer space.

Read Noam Chomsky!!!!!

C'est tout pour maintenant pour Lea Storry! ICQ 14258692


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