.....The Telltale Puddle:
.........When George and Rachel were found, they both were dead. They were lying in a puddle of water. There was broken glass all around them. What had happened?
.....The Race to Mecca:
.........A rich Arab died. In his will he asked that his two sons race one another on horseback. They were to race to Mecca, twenty miles away. The one whose horse finished last would inherit all of his father's wealth. The day of the race, the two brothers rode their horses as slowly as they could. But when night came, they had covered only one mile. At that rate, the race would take three weeks, and they could not spare all that time. They spent that night at an inn. When they told the innkeeper about their problem, he thought for a minute. Then he gave them two words of advice, which they decided to follow. Early the next morning they rode off toward Mecca. But now they rode as fast as the horses would carry them. What was the advice that the innkeeper gave them?
.....Two Masked Men:
.........A man left home one night. He turned to the right and started running. He ran straight ahead. Then he turned left. After a while he turned to the left again. He was running faster than ever. Then he turned to the left once more and headed for home. But in the distance he saw two masked men waiting for him. Who were they?
.....The Hundred-Dollar Bill:
.........A wealthy man named Richard Ellis had been counting his money. When he finished, he accidentally left a hundred-dollar bill on his desk. But when he returned for it a short while later, it was gone. Only two other persons could have seen the bill. One was the maid. The other was the butler. The maid told him that she had hidden it for safekeeping under a green book that was on the desk. But when they looked, the bill was not there. The butler said he had found the bill where the maid had left it. He had placed it inside the book, where he thought there was less chance that somebody would find it. He had written down the page numbers so that he would not forget them. The bill was between pages 35 and 36, he said. But when they looked, there was no money in the book. After Mr. Ellis had talked to the maid and the butler, he called the police. He was sure he knew who had taken the money. Who was it?
.....Two trails in the Jungle:
.........A scientist was searching for a tribe that lived in the jungle. Members of this tribe always told the truth. There was another tribe nearby that spoke the same language as the first tribe and wore the same kind of clothing. It was impossible for an outsider to tell them apart, except for one thing: Members of the second tribe never told the truth. The scientist came to a place where the trail he was following became two trails. One led to the truth tellers and the other led to the liars. But he did not know which was which. As he tried to decide, a man came out of the jungle. The scientist could not tell whether the man was a truth teller or a liar, but he asked him a question. Based on the man's answer, he chose the correct trail, the one that led to the truth tellers. What did the scientist ask him, and what was the man's reply?