Okay, now for the dreaded profile thing...Must tell you I am not good at this, but here goes..
I have lived all over the states...grew up in Montgomery, Al, moved to Pensacola, FL in '73, worked on Nas, Pensacola then I moved to Seattle, Wa in '79..Beautiful country, really enjoyed the 2 years I spent there and miss the atmosphere and hustle and bustle of the town.
Moved to Houston in '81..and also love this town, except for the traffic and that damn heat in August..
I have been divorced for 15 years. I have 1 son (unfortunately he is all grown up and living on his own now), he has blessed me with 2 of the cutest little grandsons you would ever want to meet.."My heartthrobs"..Well at least they keep me young and on my toes (so that can't be bad). Now for just a little general information, my pastimes include all the same things that it seems everyone else mentions I love shopping, dancing, movies and just hanging out with all my friends, whether it be at a Happy Hour or a cook out at my place...You can usually find me playing on my puter, when I am home...either working on my pages or in Yahoo or ICQ chat. I also have Yahoo Pager so send me a message and we can chat a little. So don't forget to sign my guestbook and hope to hear from you soon.
Well now that I have bored you to death with details of me, let me continue this saga by showing you some pics of friends and some links to their homepages and some of my favorite sites to surf..
Well since you made it this far done you deserve a special message...
on 12/20/97 and is updated reguarly..So please come back often...Last update March 13, 2002
I collected them from the web and to my knowledge they were all
free. If you know of any that weren't free, please let me know and I
will be happy to remove them.
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