Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair!

Standard Stuff

Name: Kat Lindquist
Age: 28
Weight: More than a feather, less than a semi.
Height: 5'2", but my legs are long enough to hit the ground when I walk.
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: Long, curly, reddish-brown
Home: Park City, IL
Marital Status: *singing* "On My Own..."
Known Body Art: I currently have 6 tattoos, one on each shoulderblade (tiger's face and "Carpe Diem"), one on my right thigh (Pegasus), one on my right calf (Wolf-Native American motif), one around my left bicep (Native American necklace with a wolf-print mendelah on it's face), and one on my left ankle (Dolphins). I hope to have pictures soon...and I will add those to my Photo Album in time.

Schools I've Attended

High School:

Waukegan East, Home of the Bulldogs (1987-1991)

Undergraduate College:

Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL; Home of the Huskies (1991-1995). Woof woof.

Jobs I Have Held

News Sun: Paper Carrier

Kentucky Fried Chicken: Professional Biscuit Maker (not official title)

City of Waukegan: Clerical and Grounds Crew

Pizza Hut: Phone-Gal and Delivery Driver

Northern Illinois University Food Service: Line Supervisor in Douglas Hall Cafeteria (Who keeps on putting those apples in the glasses anyway??!)

Abbott Laboratories: Grounds Maintenance (pushed a mower and pulled weeds all summer)

Six Flags Great America: Security and Ticket Sales
(a great place to play but a NASTY place to work)

Kirby: Salesperson (It's not a vacuum cleaner. It's a HOME MAINTENANCE UNIT! *wrinkling nose*)

Waukegan, North Chicago, and Round Lake School Districts: Substitute Teacher

Belvidere School District: English Teacher

Performance Marketing: Administrative Assistant

AccuQuote: Senior Case Manager


Wisconsin (but not a Packers fan)

Georgia (to see my brother graduate from Fort Benning)

Colorado (I want to go there again!)

Michigan (camping trip...never go in June without an arsenal of bug spray)

Pennsylvania (Beautiful state...Best fireworks show I've ever seen)

Maine (watch out for moose)

Minnesota (EXCELLENT fishing!)

Indiana (To see David Copperfield~~LIVE! *cheers*)

Ontario (just for a day, but it was fun)

All over Illinois (my home state)

The Pic of Me.

To see my photo album of friends, family, and more of myself, step this way.

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