What Makes Me Tick?
Now it comes down to what I like to do and when. I'm one of those people who usually will try anything once, and if I like it, I'll add it on to my large list of things I like to do. If not, I never do it again. But of course, this is the way most people work, so why is it such a big surprise? Hey! I can act as normally as the next person! *grin*

Frequent Activities
Reading (mainly science fiction, fantasy and horror)
Surfing (the Internet kind)and Website Design
Writing to Email Pals (Thank You, Classifieds2000)
Watching Movies (I have a large collection of action, comedy, and drama)
Watching the Telly (X-Files, Monty Python, MST3K)
Spending Time With Friends and Family (more pictures soon)
Listening to Music (Everything from Mozart to Motorhead except for hard core rap and super-sappy country music)

Less Frequent Activities

Long Car Trips (See Travels)
Riding With Mom on the Harley (Poker Runs with the Kenosha H.O.G. Chapter, Women's Rides, and just for fun)

Writing Poems and Short Stories (haven't been inspired lately)
Karaoke (Warehouse 56--formerly Nickie's--in Kenosha, WI)
Trivia (I seem to have a wealth of useless knowledge that's only good for trivia games)
Working with the Handicapped and Horses (BVRH in Prairie Grove, IL is a wonderful place for therapeutic riding and is always looking for volunteers and students)

Really Rare Activities

Swimming (Not so much since I moved away from Lake Michigan)
Camping (Boring to go by myself)
Rollerskating (I still risk my neck from time to time)