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site award!

Welcome to the Graphic Hut®, a site for all of your basic web design graphics necessities. I've taken the time out to do this only because I love the artistry. Please take a note that these images are to be used freely and respectively! Business sites are included as part of the free availability. I can not think it to be fair that only folks with home pages can use these images. HOWEVER » these images are for non-profit, so that means...and read carefully...any reselling of an image of this trademark will result in prosecution! Now, let us understand this, please do not use this site as a means of getting the better buck's worth. If you need some images, take them, but do not sell these images to anyone, as you got them free yourself. Maybe you can "sell the time" it took to find these great images :).

Regardless, enjoy your visit and take as much as you want. Heck, maybe one day you can learn to make images like this yourself.

Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail when this page is updated.

Restrictions!!! *please read*
  1. Please respect!!! Do not directly link our images to your page. We won't tell you that we told you so, but if you do link directly, heaven help you when we switch images on you...we switch image names without schedule.

  2. Please, as mentioned above, do not resell. These images have full copyright restrictions so please be aware.

  3. Enjoy!!!!!

Think before you Link!


So now that you about a li'l recognition??? : )

Save this button and put this code on your site as so:

<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="ghbutton.gif" border=0>

That is all...
