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Tutorials for Beginners

Here are the tutorials I have found to be the most helpful for beginners. No doubt there are many more on the internet that I have not yet run across. If you see or have one that fits the theme of this page, please e-mail me and I will be happy to include it as another link.

My Very Basic Tutorial

This is a basic tutorial that I have created. Here you will find just the basic codes to get you started. After looking it over you should be able to put up a HomePage.

http://www.mcli.dist. maricopa.edu/tut/

Out of the Maricopa Center for Learning Instruction, (MCLI) this is one of the best tutorials I have seen. A nice feature is that you can download it and work from it off-line. This tutorial actually has you do a home page along with them and allows you to monitor your progress. Great for beginners!


Here is another great tutorial written by Eric A. Meyer at Case Western Reserve University. This is a very clearly written interactive guide that tests how well you are doing. You will actually SEE your results on your screen after you take each quiz. This is another tutorial I HIGHLY recommend. (you may want to turn your images off to connect, it does take a little while...BUT...it is WELL WORTH the wait!)

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