We are a family safe web site!

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

Welcome to:

These piggies have been rescued from Kelly's Guinea Pig Adoption Agency that had to close down. We will miss that page greatly!!
If you want to visit the original page, click here

You can save any of these to your own page as long as:
1. You DO link to my page with my logo.(see below)
2. You DO NOT link the picture to your site - I may just change the name, and you would no longer have a picture!!!
3. You promise to take care of it - or return it to this page if you can not.
4. Tell everyone you know that wants one of these cute critters about this page!

When you take a piggy, please put this on your site:

as well as this code:
(a href="http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2979") (img src="cpbanani.gif") (/a)
PLEASE remember to substitute the "( )" for "< >"

See below for sites that have adopted the critters!
To let me know where your piggy is living, fill out our Cyberpig form!

This pigline was gotten from Gizmo's Page

Now, right click on the one (or ones) you want and save on your computer.

I may add more piggies with different colors as time goes by. Keep checking out the page!

My kids came up with so many with different/odd colors that they had to be moved to another page. Go see them here!

If you have any specific colors you want and don't see them, just e-mail us and we'll try to deliver (although, we are not a pizza place, you may not get it in 30 minutes or less!)

CyberPig request form:

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Your home page address:

Your home page's name:

Colors you want for your pig:
(If special ordering)

Name for the Piggy?

Where did you learn about this site?

Stuff to do:
The Main Page Mom's Page Mom's Weightloss Page
Our Picture Page Terry's Page Ginny's Page
Our SCA page Sharon's Page Sherry's OWN Page
Gymnastics Information Page Our Pet Page Our departed pets
The Guinea Pig Information Page The Cyberpig Adoption Agency The Kids Cyberpig Adoption Agency

Links to other sites on the Web

Kelly's Guinea Pig Adoption Agency

Another Guinea Pig adoption page

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Pigs that have been adopted:

Darth Piggy, Fluffy, Zebie, Jacob and Hogette are now at
Darth Bunny's Page

Frizz can be found at Kelsey's Page

Fluffy moved to Shona's page

Piglette is now on Heather's page

Artis the ATS cyberpig can be found at The ATS Related Service Page

Skeeter is artistic and can be found hanging out in The Poet's Haven

FurBall is now in Roderick's Cyberspace">

Samantha has been adopted by Sailor Galaxy

Bob was adopted by Bob, but no address was given. I hope he is on a desktop somewhere!

Speedy was adopted by Sparky who also did not leave a URL, so again, I hope they are faring well.

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