
Well we all have new and interesting things happen to us every day. I just thought I'd add a few that were life-changing to my page.

My first, and biggest, event is I'M PREGNANT!!!! My hubby and I concieved around Thanksgiving 1998. Our first child is due to arrive some time in August. We have chosen a name already, Joshua Robert. Joshua after his father and Robert after 2 of his grandfathers. We'll call him "Bobby" for short. The main reason for the nick-name is so he and his father will know exactly who I'm talking to, and so I can sing "Me and Bobby McGee" to him. We hope to raise him to be open minded and caring about everything, like a true Dead-Head.

My second big event is, we got a new car!!! We had to trade in our purple sticker ridden pick-up truck, but we've got a brand new "Family Car". Our new car is a '99 Jeep Cherokee Sport. Thanks to my Mom and Grammy for this new car! Without them we'd still be trying to figure out how we would get home from the hospital with the new baby! I also have to put in a word of thanks to my step-father. Without him we'd probably still be waiting for a special order, or trying to find "just the right one".

August 22, 1999

Well, here he is! Our son! He was born August 6, 1999 at 7:16pm. He was 7lbs 9oz and 21&1/4 inches long. I haven't figured out how to shrink his picture yet, so CLICK HERE to see him. Then just use your browser's back button to get back. ENJOY! (we sure do!)

April 01, 2001

Well, as you can tell by the break in dates we've had our hands full. We have relocated to Maryland. We also have another new addition to the family. The newest addition in Branden Elliott. He was born March 2, 2001 at 12:41pm. He was 6lbs 9oz, and 19 in. long. Our oldest now has the nick-name JP, for Josh & Paige. They have thier own web page now. You can CLICK HERE to see them both. You will have to use your browser's back button to get back here, because there is no link back there. Be sure to sign their guestbook too! ENJOY!

Well, I guess that's it for new news, atleast for now. I will be adding new and interesting things as they occur. Take care of your selves and others!

Pass It On!

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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