Welcome to my Guestbook!

jess - 07/31/00 15:54:34
My Email:rukind16@aol.com
Favorite Band: dead
Favorite Chat Room: dead chatrooms
Favorite Color: purple
Are you a: both hippy&deadhead

hey now! sweet page! if you ever need any hemp jewelry please drop me an email i sell it and trade it. or just pass the word around for me that would be great! peace&love :-) ~jess~

Reo - 05/06/00 03:08:57
My Email:mojo7@bellsouth.net
Geographical Location: Atlanta,GA
Local Time: Eastern
Favorite Band: Olehippified Band
Favorite Chat Room: Budline
Favorite Color: Plaid
Are you a: Mr.natural

I'm kinda known as"Flakey Foont",of Atlanta.Have you seen "Angelfood McSpade",lately? "Tommy Toilet sez:Don't forget to wipe your ass!".

gerard - 05/05/00 20:50:12
My Email:olhippy2@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: atlanta ga
Local Time: east
Favorite Band: dead
Favorite Chat Room: budline
Favorite Color: green
Are you a: both

sorry i must have spaced

pufpufgiv - 04/29/00 21:30:38
My Email:jaxcane@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: jax fl
Local Time: 5:33p.m.
Favorite Band: 2many 2 name
Favorite Chat Room: budline
Favorite Color: grn
Are you a: hmmmmmm


gerard - 04/29/00 21:24:44
My Email:olhippy2@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: atlanta
Local Time: eas
Favorite Band: dead
Favorite Chat Room: budline
Favorite Color: green
Are you a: hippie 1st dead two

nice to greet ya nice to meet ya

Cristián - 01/05/00 18:19:39
My Email:cdagatti@alpha.arcride.edu.ar
Geographical Location: Santa Fe, Argentina
Favorite Band: GRATEFUL DEAD
Favorite Color: Orange
Are you a: I´m a outsider?

"if you get confuzed listen to the music play" What is the meaning of "they love each other"? Peace and love.

jumanji - 12/30/99 22:50:03
My Email:jumanji@xcelnet.net
Geographical Location: O-HIGH-O
Local Time: 0 + or -
Favorite Band: depends on the day
Favorite Color: greenish
Are you a: Saint of Circumstance?

hey hey, i was wandering around ICQ and hooked up with your page, thanks for the link to "dawgnet" i just ordered "Shady Grove", and "Retrograss" with David and John Hartford, my two favorite bluegrass players on one album!! and i have YOU to thank...take care, maybe i'll see ya in a chat room sometime <\\\\\\\\\\\\\X@~'~,_,~"~`

- 09/16/99 16:09:00


Fedde - 06/09/99 15:47:36
My Email:ccr@wwd.net
Geographical Location: Ashland, Ky
Local Time: 12:00
Favorite Band: Too many to count
Favorite Color: blue
Are you a: a little of both

Like the dancing Calvins and your story. Its good to see some one who loves the lifestyle that I have come to love as well. Take it easy and may the sun always shine on your face!!!

Nate - 05/12/99 02:22:43
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/mainelydead
My Email:mainely_dead@yahoo.com
Geographical Location: Maine
Local Time: 10:20pm
Favorite Band: Dead
Favorite Color: Blue
Are you a: Deadhead

Hey Now! I really like your site and story! If you get a chance, visit Mainely Dead (URL above), also the Jerry Garcia WebRing at http://people.goplay.com/mainelydead

Michael Kelly - 04/23/99 20:45:12
My URL:http://www.exchangenet.net/midnight
My Email:mikelly@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: Oregon
Local Time: 13:43
Favorite Band: Too Many
Favorite Chat Room: GD Chat Room
Favorite Color: Green
Are you a: Who wants to know.... :-)

I'm a new member of the GD Chat Ring just stopping by to say hi! I'm a married male 36 years old looking for some email friends. I live in the state of Oregon on the west coast of the US. I'm a part time soldier and I like animals, bees, business, chatting, martial arts, web page designing anything to do with family life and so much more. I'd like to have about 200 pen pals because I like people and have a genuine interest in life. I also promised myself to write 25 emails a day so I need someone to write to! Also, if you know HTML, JAVA, Javascript, ActiveX, or any DHTML coding stop by my site and give me some pointers! If you have some site promotion advice, I'm all ears! If you just need someone to write to... I've got time for you! Sincerly,

Grandpa Rinehart - 04/15/99 22:11:55
My Email:Jono and Lee@aol.com
Geographical Location: Baltimore for now
Favorite Band: Martha Wash/Weather girls
Favorite Color: Rainbow
Are you a: Fairy ????? LOL

Nice web page.....pics on the way....PROMISE!!

Mom - 04/11/99 13:48:36
My Email:hjdskr@erols.com
Geographical Location: Maryland
Local Time: 9:46 a.m.

Thanks for the tribute ... from me, Hamm and Grammy! Love the "bare feet" and the bus... brings back many memories to a child of the '60s!

Chomp - 12/17/98 12:53:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/chomp420
My Email:chomp420@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: Stone Mountain, GA
Local Time: 4:20 (~):D
Favorite Band: THE DEAD!!!
Favorite Color: tie-dye
Are you a: both!

Great page!!! Love the spinning world/syf animation! I miss S. Florida, Crazy Fingers, the Wharf...and the sun! It's cold up here in Georgia. Well, stop by my page if you get a chance and check it out...and BE KIND ALL THE TIME!

Cody - 11/15/98 20:06:55
My URL:/SoHo/square/5669/index.html
My Email:rustystrings@hotmail.com
Geographical Location: Indian Rocks Beach, FL
Local Time: 4:20
Favorite Band: Why make me choose?
Favorite Chat Room: DNC Live Talk on the dead.net
Favorite Color: forest green
Are you a: Again with the choices?

Crazy, crazy, crazy page! Best wishes, from a fellow floridian and hard-core barefooter!! :)

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