Good Signs That You Are Becoming a hater

Be REALLY HAPPY when you see these Signs....

You Become Sick Whenever you see His Face.
The Titanic Commercials on T.V. are making you sick.
You Would rather Marry Hulk Hogan than Leo.
You say "Yeah I like Leo." but feel like shit for saying it.
You Love My site,and think I have a point.
Send Leo Hate Mail.
Send Me Your Page Kicks Ass Mail..*hint* *hint*
You send him 'I want you to die mail'.
You dream about what you can do bad to Leo.
You make demented Pics of him.
You waited in line to buy Titanic so you can watch Leo die over and over and over again.
The dart board in your room is a poster of Leo.

Signs that You Are Becoming or Are A Leo Lover..

Your Bedroom Walls is covered with not changed to my fun Pics all over your room. heeheeheehee *evil laugh*
Stare at his Poster all night
Fanatize about him!!!
Think My page is full of untrue Crap just click over Here for a second.
Can't wait to see Titanic or any of 'his' movies again again again...
You waited in line to buy Titanic so you can watch him for what is it 3 hours.
You Stalk him
You have every single god damn poster of him.
You fight over Posters of him at the mall with your friends or stranger.
Send Me Hate Mail

That is all I have at the moment...more will be posted in a few days. Thanks :cD

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