About Leo Haters

Leo Haters are Misunderstood for

p.s. it's us as in leo haters and you as in leo lovers

Leo Haters are all Jealous of Leo

We Aren't not jealous of a guy with no talent, my pet dog can act dead better than anything Leo can do.

Leo Haters are suppose to be ugly

YOU NEVER SEEN US! For You Female Lovers- I dont think Your boyfriends love Leo!(If the Love him then the probably gay) So does that mean you bf's are ugly, if you dont have a bf it's either you are ugly or you are the bitch.

Leo Haters Have no Friends.

Uhh Yeah, while we are out partying with our FRIENDS You are drooling at a poster or taping Leo's face on a doll.

Leo Haters Have no taste in good acting

WE DO HAVE GOOD TASTE!!! WE KNOW THAT LEO CAN'T ACT!! Everyone has different taste in Acting and fortunatly Our taste is better than yours.


umm that is not true...I am a chick and I hate Leo!! And alot of girls emailed me telling me that they are sick of Leo and they like my site

Well..if you are a girl and Hate Leo you are a Lesbian

UMM I DON'T THINK SO!!! Not all girls Love Leo...I love the GUYS from KoRn, I don't like chicks!!
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