
F.B.I. Criminal RecordBook

awais.jpg click here for a larger image Name:Awais
Age:18 years,
D.O.B:22 nd Aug 1981 (Leo)
Education:A Level second year
Favourite Food:Boiled Meat with ketchup,speghetti(sp?),Banana+Apple+every(edible)thing-in-sight-milk-shake!!,Baalti Murgh(No suitable word in english for this.A pakistani dish)
Favourite Band:Metallica,Enigma,Prodigy.

hey,welcome back or just welcome(in case this is your first visit) to my new and (maybe)improved site.I had no intention of doing this complete redesigning of my site but then one day I was just thinking about my site and comparing it with all the professional looking sites out there and I figured out my site's design is not really outstanding.I surfed some sites which I think are quite good.Noticed their strenghts and weaknesses.A little bit of brain storming and ideas started clicking pretty soon!!Results are right infront of you.Only you can judge whether the new design looks good or the previous one.Please take part in the poll on the Info & Reviewpage.Why? you ask.because thats probably the best way of letting me know what you think of this site..Express your opinion hey!
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      ICQ# 63167052