Special Thanks...

Sandy -- Thanks for designing my web page and for your input on all the little details. You're a genius! I'm sure you will be successful in your musical and artistic talents. Growing up together, we've shared lots of interesting experiences, and I wasn't that bad of a babysitter. You've been a fabulous friend, and you're like my sister. Yes, I'll go to SLOAN with ya! BTW, I think Chris M. is for YOU! (cute), ironic now that you are marrying a Chris!

Nikki and Cordie -- We're born in a 'Small Town', pals forever! You both encouraged me pursue my dreams. Remember our little dance group, I can't remember what we called ourselves, but it's all coming together! We really should meet up to perform our dance gig. Never give up, reach for the stars, and party hard.

Garry & I

Garry -- My favorite photographer! You've been an inspiration to my life, and I owe you much of my success and what I've become today! Thank you for always being there for me, and being my best friend for years and many more to come. You are my inspiration! I wish you all the success and great joys that you deserve in life! You truly are a remarkable and patient person! Your innovative mind and determination will take you FAR!

Susan M -- My talent agent who tries to book me as much as possible for acting and modeling gigs. I will be available in CANADA more often! Thanks for all the opportunites.

Wendy D -- My traveling manager, pageant mom, and wonderful friend, who puts up with my S*%# when I compete and travel. We do end up having great times and memories everywhere we had gone together. We are shopping fanatics, and spend way too much all the time, but we don't care! Hey you still missed out on the KEDS! Thank you for all your time and energy with me. You're an excellent role model! Best of luck and success to you always, but I know that comes to you naturally. I will always keep up to your pace.

Ronda -- My pageant sister. Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement and support. I couldn't have done it without you! I only dream of being as talented as you are! Congratulations on your new dance studio, and dance career. I'm sure we'll meet up again in a future pageant. Keep sending me those great cards!

Jennifer and Kathy -- My best pageant pals, that I have known for years now. You both are fabulous friends and I'm very fortunate to have your support in everything I have done. Jenn, thanks for all your wisdom and advice, and being a great friend over the years, I owe you so much. Kathy, thanks for being my personal banker..now only if I could get rich faster - show me the money baby! Best of luck to you both, as if...you gals need it! I also want to thank you both for being excellent shopping and travelling pals, I know we will all get kicked out of the factory outlets...as that seems to be the trend for us!

Mel -- Help! I need computer help...do my pageant page layouts, it has to look good, sound familiar? Yes, I know I have been very bossy, but without your expertise and the graphic specialiat (1998) that you are, things would not turn out the way they have, obviously wonderful of course! I'm glad that I have met you way back in the day! Look at you now...a great photographer and I am fortunate to get to shoot with you :) Superb work!

Samir/Silvia & all those who have worked on my hair! -- My fabulous hairdresser(s), who work miracles, and make my hair look beautiful all the time! You're gonna have to travel along side me on my adventures! Thanks for always being there when I need you!

All the Wendy's I know… you know who you are. Come meet me halfway, or better yet, meet me in Cali or wherever I am! I'll need another hair cut or something. We've got a mission to shop, eat out, and party! Thanks for all the cards and stickers, and chit chats. Keep the letters and e-mails coming. I miss you all!

All my Co-workers and mentors in my day job!!! -- Yes, I do have a professional day job! Without all my co-workers and mentors and all the people along the way, I wouldn't be where I am today. I thank you all for your support and friendships.

All my family and friends -- If I had to list each and everyone, there would be no room for anything else on my page. To all my friends, you all know who you are! Much thanks to my family for all your support and encouragement at all my pageants and events! My family IS my entourage! Being there to watch and tape all my recitals, performances, and being there for me means so much to me. Without all of you, I would not be here. Yes, I know I'm a crazy girl! This web page is also dedicated to my late mother, for her inspiration and strength she has given me! Thanks, Mom, I'm being the best that I can be!

Lots of Love and Hugs,


Last Update: November 17, 2002

All photos and articles are not to be used without permission. Copyright © 1998 GL

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