Wilson Consulting Services (Computer Consulting - T-Bone Productions, Inc.)

Wilson Consulting Services

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Having trouble navigating through your operating system? Does the information super highway seem like a super hassle? Email problems? If any of these sound familiar, then you've come to the right place. Our specially trained computer expert (thanks to 30 years of IT work with the State of WA) will diagnose and solve your computer woes.

WCS is a small computer consulting firm in the Pacific Northwest that specializes in network design, configuration and troubleshooting as well as general hardware/software installation, configuration and troubleshooting. To the consultants, the workplace is not just a job; it's a learning environment. Employees are expected to research changes in the tech world and new software/hardware on the market as well as assist in maintaining the company's own network.

Yes, the standards are high at WCS, not only in the quality of work produced but the people employed. This is to ensure clients that they not only receive the highest quality service but the best possible consultants are performing that service.

Wilson Consulting Services is licensed by the State of Washington.

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