Read what's new, all on one page My personal collection of my favourite DD pics. Check 'em out :-) Here are some examples of Dave's sexy voice A regular bio, what else can I say I'm very proud of these, please take a look Some of the funniest quotes from The X-Files you can imagine This is a 'Slightly Different Bio on David', written by myself Another thingy written by me, the title, I guess, is selfexplanatory The image says it all, doesn't it?!? ;-) Here you'll find the results of older quizlets, see if you would have got the right answer. Here credit is given to those who contributed to my site, thanx again guys :-) Go to my index page

Cool java-based game!! Rearrange the pictures so that they match the original. This is really fun!! Do you have a webpage? Then apply for my award, if I like your site youŽll get it If you have a page dedicated to DD, then why don't you join my webring? The instructions are just one click away. Here are the html fragments from other webrings I'm member of. Feel free to join them For all those of you who do NOT have a DD homepage and also for everyone else who wants to be part of this community. Click to find out more! See who has joined the 'Confederacy of Devotees' already Choose from the images and place them on your site Drop me a line about how you like my site Read what others had to say about my site If you have something urgent to tell me, just send me an email.

Bringing you closer to David since

Last updated 04/14/2006

(c) Barbara