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DD's Devotees

Hello and welcome to my homepage dedicated to the Greek God

Animated Gif David Duchovny Animated Gif

David Duchovny is definitely the sexiest man alive!!! Everybody who has ever seen "The X-Files" will agree to that, and his many awards tell what we all know: Not only is he sexy, but he is very talented as well.
Fortunately he left the X-Files before the show got bad (this is just my humble opinion), but this also means we don't get to see that much of him anymore. *sob*
But don't worry girls, for this purpose I created this website, in order to bring you more David than you've ever seen in your life!!! ;-) He may not be on TV anymore, but this doesn't mean we can't fantasize about him, does it?

As I live in Germany, and we're always last to know what happens in the world, you won't find any current events listed here, but I created a huge resource center of pictures (over 250 when I last counted them) and sound files of David and "The X-Files". I hope you like all the stuff I gathered, and I hope you are well prepared, because you're about to go on a ride you'll never forget: my safari through the world of David. Enjoy your trip!! §:o)

DD's Devoties


This site has not been approved, endorsed or authorized by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Certain pictures on this page are © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. "Twentieth Century Fox Television", "The X-Files" and their associated logos are the property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. The X-Files TM & © Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.