March 27 - 2002
Moving, moving, moving
February 2 - 2002
Added my result from http://www.blueslinky.net/devotchka/toripoll
Changed the dates from 2001 to 2002. Time warp, baby.
January 27 - 2002
Added more tests to "Useless"
Added link to Josh's site. (Go see it - now!)
Added new poem
Changed some tests
About to fall asleep, yet more homework falls on me.
January 15 - 2002
Changed background in "About Me"
Found out my ex is stupid and in over his head.
January 7 - 2002
Played around with colors again.
Decmeber 30 - 2001
Added a couple personality test awards. And found out who my rock boyfriend is.
Wrote down the cds new to my collection.
Worked on "Right Now" again.
Added a couple more personality assesments.
Added a new "Weird, Bad, Ugly" conversations.
Added Geocities to my list with red ink.
I need sleep.
December 28 - 2001
Played around with fonts and colors on the index and "Right Now" pages
Placed a note for confused visitors who think the banner goes to my site on the front page.
November 22 - 2001
Added a couple more tips to "Website Tips."
November 21 - 2001
Added Colorgenics color profile. Fun.
November 15 - 2001
Added link to webcam so people can see insanity live!
November 14 - 2001
Added "I just want to disappear" clique. I love the internet.
November 12 - 2001
Added two new cds and someday will add something more worth while.
October 26 - 2001
Added more test scores to Useless Information.
Added Dante's Inferno to the front page. Happy, isn't it?
October 23 - 2001
Added three more names to RIP. More to come.
September 27 - 2001
Added 3 paragraphs to the About Me section.
September 25 - 2001
Added a couple questions to "How I survivied Hell"
September 16 - 2001
Added 306 tortures to Useless information
September 13 - 2001
Added If You Hate Americans/tribute to slain section. Visit, please.
Added victims to RIP
September 9 - 2001
Added picture of Shawn
Added school secheduale - descriptions coem later.
September 8 - 2001
Added two new poems
Went back to hell, I mean, school
August 29 - 2001
Added love qoute
Worked on adding new picture page
August 28 - 2001
Added wav of "Leather" sung by me
Found out I forgot to activate link to get into site.
August 27 - 2001
Revamping Done - I hate HTML
August 6 - 2001
Added Muffy to RIP
Added boaste to the Dsd Saga in WBU.
July 25 - 2001
Added "Scarred"
Still thinking of moving to envy.nu
Edited front page
Added Link to Joey's site
July 3 - 2001
Made a new profile for the alt.teens website
May 14 - 2001
Added a new story - Destiny's Song
May 3 - 2001
Redid front page just a bit
May 1 - 2001
5 Days until I turn 16. Run while you still can.
Added new wav of me singing. If I get good responces, I'll put up another.
April 20 - 2001
Put up new poetry
Reorganized poetry pages and added an index.
March 15 - 2001
Changed "Charlotte Louise Dew" to "Charlotte Lousie Dunn" on RIP. Sorry to anyone who was offended.
March 10 - 2001
Added some new cliques
Added a few thinsg to RIP
Sorry about being gone. Due to school, doctor's appointments and flase alarms(I hate stress fractures)
January 17 - 2001
Micheal Cuccione died, Jan. 13. =*(
Sent article to Teenbay.com where I write a column, to honor his memory.
January 3 - 2001
Did a little redoing. Just a bit
August 7 - 2000
Added links to "Links" and "How I Am Surviving Hell"
July 22 - 2000
Started new writing project - "Diary of a West Hills Princess"
July 07 - 2000
Updated "I spit in the face of death . . ."
June 29 - 2000
Record a wav of me singing and stuck in "About me" under me talking.
June 25 - 2000
Added a couple new links.
June 18 - 2000
Added to Links
Added to "Useless Information" about college.
June 08 - 2000
Bored, bored, bored
June 07 -2000
Adding some new links
Added a new website tip
May 31 - 2000
Added a name onto RIP
Found a very cool Groucho Marx book. "Letters from Groucho".
May 30 - 2000
Corrected mistakes on expierences.
May 29 - 2000
Added expierences to "About me"
Added more cliques
Made a new clique page
May 18 - 2000
Joined more cliques.
Made "Different" People Ring
May 17 - 2000
Varies on the "About Me" and "Useless Facts" pages
May 8 - 2000
Added some qoutes - finally!
May 4 - 2000
Changed sister site address to http://www.geocities.com/dsd915
Add Nasir to "The Weird, the Bad and the Ugly."
Add "The Dsd915 Saga" to WB&U.
Things to do:
Start adding qoutes darn it!!!!!
May 2 - 2000
Added "Baby_skin" and "sexxxy_m" to "The Weird, The Bad and The Ugly."
April 16 - 2000
Things to Do again ~sigh~
Note: I apologize for my absense, I'm fighting an infection and today I feel well enough to update! YAY! ~happy hamster hop~
Add new poetry
Add new poll
Put up last poll results
Work on qoute page
April 7 - 2000
Things to do
Add new poetry
Add new poll
Put up last poll results
March 11 - 2000
Added Diana True Spirit award to RIP
Added new poll and old results to fun stuff.
March 8 - 2000
Added GMG to webrings.
March 4 - 2000
Things I forgot to mention I updated on the 2nd
Added Katrina to links
Finished new picture page
Changed Sister site address to Dsd's Index
Added xxelax to "The Weird, The Bad and The Ugly"
March 1 - 2000
Added "Children of the Survey #3" results to Fun Stuff.
Added New poll + results to last poll.
Things I did yesterday/day before but forgot to wirte down:
Added new convos to "The Weird, The Bad and The Ugly"
Erased non-working countrer from RIP and added Kayla Rolland. Also added personal message about that. Grrrrr...
Things to do:
Surf "greet teen webpages"(I'm bored, yes)
Oversee and gather qoutes for new Qoute page.(I'm getting sick of old one)
February 27 - 2000
Added some org stuff to Rest In Peace, changed music.
Things to Do:
Add more convos with pervs/idiots in "The Weird, the Bad and The Ugly" that I had while in the hospital last.
Finish Chapter 6 of "Behind the Eyes" and post it.
February 26 - 2000
Added ad for fantasy writers/poets to fiction section.
February 20 - 2000
Added New Survery to Fun Stuff
Things to Do:
Add results of Survery #3 to Fun Stuff.
February 19 - 2000
Added links to other pages of mine not on Geocities on the Useless Information about Myself page.
Listening to Ace of Base song "Strange Ways" (my page, just though I'd throw that in)
Downloaded MSN Messanger
Edited and added a few things to index page - remotes and things.
Added Parts 1 and 2 of "Where Are They Now?: alt.teens" to the Writing section.
Added Stababy to Links.
Things to do:
Still working on the page that changes periodically. Waiting for authorization to use Peanuts graphics to make tribue to Charles Shultz.
Add picture page.
Add pictures to picture page.
Change Music in RIP. I'm thinking maybe using "I Remember" by Madonna.
Random page script(?)
February 18 - 2000
Laptop delivered!!!!!!
February 17 - 2000
Updates Page Created
Poll Added To Fun Stuff
Put countdown to my 15th birthday in Useless Information
Added Jump Boxes to all pages - removed small links.
Activated All Geoguides
Things to do:
Continue promoting RIP - Change Music?
Add "Random Webpage" script
Maybe put up new writings
Spell Check - when hell freezes over
Add Starbaby to links
Go Home!