This page is dedicated to those who lost their lives in tragic murders. A candle is placed on this page for each.

Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur


Biggie Smalls

Christopher Wallace AKA The Notorious B.I.G.


Kelly Fleming

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Kyle Velasquez

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Lauren Townsend

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Daniel Mauser

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Cassie Bernall

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Steven Curnow

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Corey DePooter

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Isaiah Shoels

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

John Tomlin

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Matthew Kechter

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Daniel Rohrbough

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Rachel Scott

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

William "Dave" Sanders

Victim of Columbine High Shooting (Littleton, Colorado)

Ben Walker

Victim of Thurston High School shooting (Springfield, Oregon)

Mikael Nickolauson

Victim of Thurston High School shooting (Springfield, Oregon)

William and Faith Kinkel

Parents of Kipland Kinkel(Springfield, Oregon)

Natalie Brooks

Victim of Westside Middle School Shooting (Jonesboro, Arkansas)

Paige Ann Herring

Victim of Westside Middle School Shooting (Jonesboro, Arkansas)

Stephanie Johnson

Victim of Westside Middle School Shooting (Jonesboro, Arkansas)

Brittany R. Varner

Victim of Westside Middle School Shooting (Jonesboro, Arkansas)

Shannon Wright

Victim of Westside Middle School Shooting (Jonesboro, Arkansas)

Nicole Hadley

Victim of Heath High School Shooting (Paducah, Kentucky)

Jessica James

Victim of Heath High School Shooting (Paducah, Kentucky)

Kayce Steger

Victim of Heath High School Shooting (Paducah, Kentucky)

Christina Menefee

Victim of Pearl High School Shooting (Pearl, Miss.)

Lydia Dew

Victim of Pearl High School Shooting (Pearl, Miss.)

Mary Woodham

Mother of Luke Woodham(Pearl, Miss.)

Ronald Edwards(Principal)

Victim of Bethel Regional High School Shooting (Bethel, Alaska)

Joshua Palacious

Victim of Bethel Regional High School Shooting (Bethel, Alaska)

Robert "Nick" Creson

Victim of Lincoln High School shooting (Fayetteville, Tennessee)

Arnold Fritz

Frontier Junior High School shooting (Moses Lake, Washington)

Manuel Vela

Frontier Junior High School shooting (Moses Lake, Washington)

Leona Caires (teacher)

Frontier Junior High School shooting (Moses Lake, Washington)

John Gillette (science teacher)

Victim of James W. Parker Middle School (Edinboro, Pennsylvania)

Lady Diana

Lady Diana

1961- 1997

The Romanovs

The Romanovs: Tsar/Emperor Nicholas II, Emperess Alexandia, Alexis, Olga, Tatiana, Marie and Anastasia

Selena Quintanilla Perez'

1971 - 1995

Matthew Shepard

Matthew Shepard

1976 - 1998

James Byrd Jr.

James Byrd Jr.


Nick Kunsel

Columbine student(15) shot to death in a Subway on 2/13/00(Littleton, Colorado)

Stephanie Hart

Columbine student(16) shot to death in a Subway on 2/13/00(Littleton, Colorado)

Kayla Rolland

Elementary school student, 6, shot in the neck by classmate. 4/29/00(Mount Morris Township, Michigan)

Donald Glen Jr. Allis

1968 - 1997(Chillicothe, Ohio)

Gwen Mayor (teacher)

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Victoria Elizabeth Clydesdale

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Mellisa Helen Currie

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Emma Elizabeth Crozier

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Charolette Louise Dunn

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Kevin Allan Hassell

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Ross William Irvine

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

David Charles Kerr

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Mhairi Isabel MacBeath

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Abigail Joanne McLennan

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Emily Morton

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Sophie Jane Lockwood North

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

John Petrie

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Joanna Caroline Ross

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Hannah Louise Scott

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)

Megan Turner

Dunblane Primary School (Dunblane, Scotland)



Beloved pet of snid, killed by a heartless driver.

Those killed on September 11, 2001 A.D.

This is what hatred does. Killing does not solve anything.

Araceli Tena

November 19, 1999 (Deming, NM)

Unknown teenage boy

April 28, 1999 (Pomona, CA)
If you know the name of those killed in this shooting, please e-mail me.

Unknown teenage boy

April 28, 1999 (Pomona, CA)
If you know the name of those killed in this shooting, please e-mail me.

This page should not be on my site, but it will be as long as there are people murdered because of hate and violence. Please let me take down this page soon.

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