Here are my pictures, I know there aren't that many at the moment, but new ones come every day or so.(New pictures are marked by a "new" tag) I have arranged the pictures into categories:Mulder/David Duchovny, Scully/Gillian Anderson, Mulder/David Duchovny AND Scully/Gillian Anderson, and Micellaneaous. There's a short written description that I've provided for each picture, so you'll know sort of what the picture looks like.
Mulder-A typical picture of Mulder
Oops-A picture from Styzygy of a drunken Mulder...
Muldersm-A small (But nice) picture of Mulder
Mulders-Mulder with a strange expression on his face...
DDbeach-David on the beach
DDbed-A large picture of David lying on bed
DDonball-David on one of those big, mirrored balls
DDjump-David -A weird pic of David jumping...or something
Scully-A picture of a worried-looking Scully's face.
Scullys-A screen capture of Scully
Scullyres-A picture of Scully in a restaurant, smiling.
Scullyres2-A similar picture, only no smile this time.
GAchair-Gillian lying on a gold couch-type thing
MStv-A screen capture of M+S
bothlight-Mulder and Scully in front of a lighted background
thetwo-David and Gillian in raincoats, hugging
Alienlogo-A broken X in a misty blue background with an alien in the middle of the X
xcollage-A collage of various X-Files pictures
Frohike-A picture of Frohike from the Lone Gunmen
CSMpent-A picture of Cancer Man in the pentagon
believe-Mulder's I Want to Believe poster
notdana-Mulder's famous poster, only changed to fit Scully's beliefs 
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Please note that all images on this page belong to Twentienth Century Fox, Inc, and are TM and © Twentieth Century Fox. No Copyright infringement is intended, and I am in no way profiting from the use of them.