TV Wavs




"Am I paying for this personal abuse?....."

"If you want something done properly...."

"Oh damn"

"May I present my cunning plan!"


Fawlty Towers

"...I suppose it's all my fault isn't it"

"yes, yes, yes......." - Manuel answering the phone

"Oh what is it now? Can't you leave me in peace?"


Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

"Resistance is useless"

"Don't Panic!"

"..damn you... "



"Attention! All personnel!....."

"...trying to tie your shoes again Frank?"


The Young Ones

"There's a horrible farty smell......"


"Kitchen, hello, hello..."

"Ya bunch of lavatory bowls!"

"Is this some sort of sick joke?....."



"These pretzels are making me thirsty"

"Yada, yada, yada"


The Simpsons


"Oh sure, like I'm really gonna take a picture..."



"You're desthpicable"

"Ya lump-eared carrot crusher!"

"What's Up Doc?"

"I'm smarter than the average bear..."

"That's a joke son"

"Exit - stage left"

"Meep Meep" - Road Runner

"Yabba dabba doo!"

"Sthufferin' sthuckatash"

"That's all folks"



Intro Page

Movie Wavs

All-Sorts-A-Movies 1 2 & 3
