


"Whoa...hold it....we've gotta take a boat?....."  

"I want the truth......"


A League of Their Own

"Are you crying?!......."



"I love the smell of napalm in the morning...."


Apollo 13

"Gentlemen, it's been a privilege flying with you"

"Let's work the problem, people......."


"Carol the waitress....."

"Pay me a compliment Melvin..........."



"Move along there ya...ya big buttheads!"

"....Christmas means carnage!...."

"......this is bigger than rules, this is life and death"

"I'm a pig, what are you?....."


The Blues Brothers

"'s dark and we're wearing sunglasses"

"Four fried chickens......"



"Here's looking at you, kid"


Con Air

"Welcome to Con Air"

"I said...put the bunny back in the box"

"Define irony....."


Dead Poets Society

"Seize the Day"

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute........."


"Hey, Mr. Wilson!"


Dirty Harry

"Go ahead, make my day"

"You could ask yourself a question - do I feel lucky......."



 Wait!! There's more!


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Movie Wavs

All-Sorts-A-Movies 2 & 3

 TV Wavs 


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