If you feel that any of the contents on my page are infringing on any copyright laws, or are stolen from other webpages, then you are a jackass. Everything on my page was either royalty-free files, or I created it myself.* All files were created through Microangelo 98
TM, and Word 97 TM. So, if anything, I should copyright the contents of my page. Which, in fact, I did. I went down to the copyright center and paid $10,000 to copyright all of my stuff. So if you steal any of the awesome graphics or information off of my page, I have the right to kill you, and burn your house. That is only after I file a lawsuit against you, and get every last penny that you own. I will leave your family poor and on the streets. They will have to dig through dumpsters to find food and clothing. They will have to live in a cardboard box at the end of an ally. Then your wife will have to put your kids up for prostitution. They might make a few bucks doing it. But then they will spend it all on their addiction for crack. In a few years your wife and kids will be so malnourished, and hungry that they will have to eat dirt and grime that they find in the gutters. Your eldest son will have to resort to pickpocketting, but shortly after get caught due to the lack of experience. He spends 3-7 years in prison, where he becomes the bitch of a big black man named Bubba. After 4 or 5 years half of your kids will be either dead or in prison. Your wife will have to take out a seventh mortgage on the box. By then the rent on the box will be so high, that your wife and your remaining children will have to move. They end up moving to Mexico, where they are welcomed with open arms. There they find a new box in a new ally. Your wife becomes the 3rd richest person in Mexico, with her vast bank account of 3 dollars and 67 cents. There they happily live out their days in a hell hole.
Thank you for not stealing.
*Except for the files that I did steal from other webpages. So, if anything on my page is copyrighted, too bad, because I don't even care. But if the stuff is yours, just tell me, and if I'm in a nice mood, I might take if off of my page.