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The Complete Hamster Site

- Now to tell you a little about myself...
You already know my name, well at least I hope you know my name.
I am a first year Graphic Design student at Georgian College. I am taking the two year course and then a one year Web Production course. I am hoping to end up in web page design once I finish school.
- My boyfriend, Rob, is away at Queen's University.
 He is the most amazing guy I know and I miss him an awful lot lately. Rob, if you're reading this, I love you and I miss you very much. I can't wait until he comes home. For Valentine's Day, last year, Rob gave me a hamster. I named him Farkie. He looks kind of like the little dancing one you see here, but much cuter. I will add some pictures of Farkie soon, i just need to scan some.
- My favorite books are:
**A Midsummer Nights Dream - William Shakespeare
**Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
**The Green Mile - Stephen King
**The Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were - Michael Page
**Good Faeries/Bad Faeries - Brian Froud
**Anything Astrology related
- Here are some of my favorite peoms, songs, and inspirational writings:
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost
Time and Friends
Instructions For Life
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