1. Animated Banner 450 x 40 that includes the words GIF
Animation. 2.
Definition for GIF Animation 3. My Examples A) TeamCIA class slogan: This animation will
present the classroom slogan, "What do you want to learn today?"
TeamCIA. You must include at least one image transition. The animation must
hyperlink to http://TeamCIA.com
The animation speed must be created to allow for the slogan to be read. This animation contains 29 frames. There was originally only 9 frames in it, but the transition took 20 frames, 2 seconds with 10 fps (frames per second). I created each of the 9 frames in Paint Shop Pro, and added some background to the frame, and then I merged the picture into one layer. I then put them in order as seen above, and I then added the dissolve transition between the question mark and the TeamCIA. I then optimized the animation to 64 colors. Then I edited the time for each frame. Time
B) Motivational Quote Animation: This animation will be a positive and motivational quote by a known author. Images must be included to support the quote. You may place more then one word in a cell. This animation could be built with a minimum of 2 cells! This animation is limited to 20 cells. Your animation will finish with the Author's name. Need to find a quote? Try these links... http://dir.yahoo.com/Reference/Quotations/
This animation took 11 frames. Again, I created each individual frame in Paint Shop Pro, added a background, and merged the layer. I did not use any transition in this animation because it was already big enough, and was already optimized to 64 colors. I searched through the internet and found a picture of Colin Powell. I added his picture to the end of the animation. I then edited the time it took each frame. Time Delays
C) PVHS sport or activity animation: This animation must advertise or promote a PVHS activity or sport. The animation must be positive and supportive of the activity.
I created each frame yet again with Paint Shop Pro. There are 23 frames total in my animation. I found the picture of the Brine Soccer Ball on their website. I found the picture of the man doing the bicycle on the web. I used the luminance wipe transition, and I used 10 frames per second for 2 seconds. I then edited the time between frames. I delayed the Brine to 80/100s of a second, the first Perkiomen Valley High School frame to 50/100s of a second, and the man doing the bicycle to 150/100s of a second. D) A Micro Button animation: The size will be 88 x 31 pixels. The button will advertise your web site. This button will prompt users to click the button. Your micro button will then be shared with classmates who will place it on their web site and hyperlink the button to your web site. This animation contains 24 frames. The first frame I delayed to 3 seconds. I then put in an image transition, Hue Wipe. Then for the "Bring" frame, I delayed it 30/100s of a second. I also made the "It" frame 30/100s of a second. 4. Writing to support examples: Included in the writing will be the various settings, frame delays, numbers of cells, types of image transitions and various settings used. 5. Skills for Animation List 9 to 12 specific skills
6. Online Resources: Link to JASC makers of Animation shop, Link to the Animated GIF Artist Guild Jasc
HomePage 7. Online Tutorials Locate 3 or more GIF animation tutorials Jasc
Animation Shop Tutorial 8. Careers List at least 3 jobs that could use GIF animation
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