Pronunciation: 'spred-"shEt
Function: noun
Date: 1982
: an accounting program for a computer; also:
the ledger layout modeled by such a
Mirriam Webster
Your examples
Download My Spreadsheet
My Paycheck

My Budget


Graph Of Investments
Writing -
I used Microsoft Excel to create my ideal budget. I used 3 different
worksheets: Paycheck, Budget, and Investments. On the Paycheck worksheet,
I entered in the amount of money I assumed I would be making, and I took out
taxes accordingly. On the second page (Budget), I took out all of the
money necessary to live (i.e.- food, housing, loans, entertainment, etc...), and
with the money I had left at the end, I put it in my investments page. On
the Investments page, there are 3 important columns : the amount invested column
(which shows how much money I have put in my investments thus far), the future
value column (which shows how much money I will receive from my amount invested
and the future value), and the amount I will receive if I put all my money
from the future value column into bonds.
Skills: list 6 skills related to spreadsheets