Webpage Resources

Are you going to make a website, or just want to improve it? Read this section for resources of places to make a website and how to improve it.

First, start by finding a good host to make it on. Here's a chart for all the free hosts I know of:

ServerMegs of SpaceYour AddressMy Rating (Up to 5 stars)

My Reviews on them:

Angelfire: A good server. They have http uploading which means you don't have to download a FTP Client to upload. Their Basic Editor is good for beginners and it allows you to do more than other HTML Editors that other servers have. If you're new, they have a HTML Basics lesson. Even though you only have 5 Megs, you can always open a new account. I recommend this one.

Expages: I never tried this but I don't recommend using this because you don't have any space to upload pictures and stuff.

Fortunecities: I tried this one once, but it hard for me to upload things, so I stop using it, but I still recommend it because it gives 20 Megs of space. The most I've seen.

Geocities: I using this right now. It's easy to update. They have something that's call a GeoBuilder. Even an inexperienced web person can build a page. They also have an Advanced HTML Editor. I recommend this.

Maxpages: I tried this once. I didn't like this because they give you no space which makes it hard for you to store images, sounds, downloads, and others. And they also put a bunch of banner on every one of you page. I think 5. Not recommended.

Tripod: This is alright, but I had trouble with it using AOL. If you have AOL, I think you might have trouble making this. Their Easy Page Builder is OK, but I never used it. Using it's advanced editor can help bring people to your site because they automatically include META Tags for you, which some search engines search for. This is recommended.

Webprovider: I like this one but you have to have your own HTML Editor. They don't provide you with one. They are the only free server I know that allows you to have CGI Scripts. This is not recommended for beginners, but recommended for people with some knowledge of HTML.

XOOM: For this, you have to upload with a FTP Client, which some could cost money. I don't like this because they have to put the XOOM bar at the top. But you could remove it. Their HTML Editor is easy, but you can't do certain things like Angelfire. Not sure to recommend, or not recommend it.

If you're looking for a server that provides you domain (www.yourname.com), email me and I'll give you a list.

Now that you have a webpage host with a terribly long address, go get redirect services that make it shorter. Here are two of them:

Place to get itYour Address
Bravenet (must be a member)http://clik.to/yourname

Now, get a guestbook so visitors can sign and view it. Here are some places:

1-2-3 Webtools

Now, you should get a counter to see how many people have been to your page. Some counters count each person as one hit, others count each visit as one hit. Here are some places to get one:

Zarik Counter
Fastcounter(My Counter)
Bravenet (Must Be A Member)

There are more not listed. E-Mail me if you want a complete listing.

Now, you should learn some HTML. Learn about the basics of HTML here. Learn how to do frames here. You can learn how to make tables here. If you're stuck at an advanced editor, and want to change the colors of stuff, but you don't know the codes to the color, click here for the chart.

Now to make your page better, use some special utilities like getting some polls on your page. Here are some places to get polls:

Free Polls
Bravenet (must be a member)

If you're using a server that allows CGI Scripts, take advantage of it because most servers don't allow CGI Scripts.

You can own your own topsitelist by going to Solution Scripts. Another way to take advantage is to CGI Resources and download some scripts from there. You should take advantage of it by using forms for people who want to apply for an award. Instead of them having to open their mail program, they can just fill out the form and it gets sent to you right away.

If your server doesn't allow CGI Scripts, use an alternative like Bravenet, who allows people to use forms, gives them a counter, guestbook, free-for-all links page, and even a chat room for their page. You can go to Top Site Lists so they can host your topsitelist or go to WWWResources to get their formmail.

--Pkmn Snap
--Pkmn Stadium
--(March 2k)
--Pkmn Stadium 2
--Pkmn Stadium 3
--Smash Bros.
--Gold & Silver
--(Oct. 18)
--Card GB
--(Feb. 30 2k)
--(no plans)
--The First Movie
--(Nov. 12)

Button of site that host