* Stefanova, A., H.T. Bi, C.J. Lim and J.R. Grace*, "Heat transfer from immersed vertical tube in a fluidized bed of group A particles at the transition to turbulent flow regime," Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer, in press, 2007.
* Bi, H.T., "A critical review of the complex pressure fluctuation phenomenon in gas-solids fluidized beds," Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, 3473-3493, 2007.
* Escudie, R, N. Epstein*, J.R. Grace and H.T. Bi, "Layer inversion and bed contraction in downward binary-solid liquid-fluidized beds" Can. J. Chem. Eng., 85, 25-35, 2007.
* Wang Y., Y. Jin*, Y. Chen and H.T. Bi, "On impacts of solid properties and operating conditions on the performance of gas-solid fluidization systems" Powder Technology, 172, 167-176, 2007.
* Wang Z.G. H.T. Bi* and C.J. Lim, Gas mixing in conical spouted beds, in Fluidization XII, eds. H.T. Bi, F. Berruti and T. Pugsley, 529-536, ECI, New York, May 2007.
* Kirbas, G., J.R. Grace, H.T. Bi and C.J. Lim, High density riser hydrodynamics, Fluidization XII, 71-78, Vancouver, May 2007.
* Rusner, D., J.R. Grace, H.T. Bi, C.J. Lim, Performance of a novel solids entrance design, Fluidization XII, 161-168, Vancouver, May 2007.
* Escudie, R., N. Epstein, J.R. Grace and H.T. Bi, Layer inversion and bed contraction in upflow and downflow liquid fluidization of binary solids, Fluidization XII, 305-312, Vancouver, May 2007.
* Fan, C.G., Lin W.G., W.L. Song and H.T. Bi, Ozone decomposition in downer reactors, Fluidization XII, 847-854, Vancouver, May 2007.
* Wang, Z.G., H.T. Bi* and C.J. Lim, "Numerical simulations of hydrodynamic behaviors in conical spouted beds," China Particuology, 4, 194-203, 2006.
* Escudie, R, N. Epstein*, J.R. Grace and H.T. Bi, "Layer inversion phenomenon in binary-solid liquid-fluidized beds: prediction of the inversion velocity" Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 6667-6690, 2006.
* Escudie, R., N. Epstein*, H.T. Bi and J.R. Grace, "The Serial Model in Liquid Fluidization and its Limitations," China Particuology, 4, 127-131, 2006.
* Cui, Heping, John Grace*, Craig McKnight, Tianzhu Zhang, Ian Rose, H.T. Bi, Jim Lim and Darren Burgardt, "Steam Jet Configuration for Improved Fluidized Bed Stripping" Chem. Eng. J., 125, 1-8, 2006.
* Song, X.Q., J.R. Grace*, H.T. Bi, C.J. Lim, E. Chan, "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Reactor Section in Fluid Cokers: Comparison of FCC and Fluid Coke Particles", Can. J. Chem. Eng., 84, 161-169, 2006.
* Escudie, R., N. Epstein*, J.R. Grace and H.T. Bi, "Effect of particle shape on liquid-fluidized beds of binary (and ternary) solids mixtures: segregation vs. mixing," Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 1528-1539, 2006.
* Cui, H.P., M. Strabel, D. Rusnell, H.T. Bi, K. Mansaray, J.R. Grace*, C.J. Lim, C.A. McKnight and D. Bulbuc, "Gas and solids mixing in a dynamically scaled fluid coker stripper", Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 388-396, 2006.


* Chen, A.H., H.T. Bi* and J.R. Grace, "Charge distribution around a rising bubble in a two-dimensional fluidized bed by signal reconstruction" Powder Technology, available on-line, 2007.
* Mehrani, P., H.T. Bi* and J.R. Grace, "Electrostatic charging behaviour of fine powders in a Faraday cup fluidized bed," J. of Electrostatics, 65, 1-10, 2007.
* Mehrani, P., H.T. Bi* and J.R. Grace, "Bench-scale tests to determine mechanisms of charge generation due to particle"particle and particle"wall contact in binary systems of fine and coarse particles," Powder Technol., 173, 73-81, 2007.
* Chen A.H., H.T. Bi* and J.R. Grace, Dynamic electrostatic signals for monitoring charges in gas-solids fluidized beds, Fluidization XII, 1001-1008, Vancouver, May 2007.
* Chen, A.H., H.T. Bi* and J.R. Grace, "Effects of Probe Numbers and Arrangement on the Measurement of Charge Distributions around a Rising Bubble in a Two-Dimensional Fluidized Bed," Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 6499-6510, 2006.
* Chen, A.H., F. Kleijn Van Willigen, H.T. Bi*, J.R. Grace, R. van Ommen, "Measurement of charge distribution around a single rising bubble in a two-dimensional fluidized bed," AIChE J., 52, 174-184, 2006.


* Yao, P.X., F. Budi, L. Wang and H.T. Bi*, "Effects of organic compounds and recycling on ozone utilization efficiency in a water purification unit", J. Environmental Engineering and Science, in press, 2007.
* Bi, H.T.* and D. L. Wang, "A cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis of the AirCare program" Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 26, 472-478, 2006.
* Mani, S., S. Sokhansanj*, H.T. Bi and A. Turhollow, "Economics of producing fuel pellets from biomass," Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 22, 421-426, 2006.
* Huang, Z.Y. and H.T. Bi*, "Regional energy and CO2 integration to reduce GHG emissions and improve local air quality," Climate Change Technologies Conference, Ottawa, May 10-12, 2006.
* Watkinson*, A.P., Y-H. Li, H. Bi, J.R. Grace and C.J. Lim, "Formation of dioxins during combustion of salt-laden hog fuel," in A.V. Bridgewater and D.G.B. Boockck eds. Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, CPL Press, UK, vol. 1, p.82-97. 2006.
* Stumper, J., P. Sauriol and H.T. Bi. "In-situ diagnostic methods for water management in PEM fuel cells," ACS Electrochemical Society Meeting, Mexico, September, 2006.
* Sauriol, P., H.T. Bi, J. Stumper, D.S. Nobes and D. Kiel."A water transfer factor measurement apparatus for polymer electrolyte," D. Ghosh ed. Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies, pp.35-50, MET-SOC, Calgary, 2005.
* Bi, H.T. and Y. Jin, "Multiscale approaches toward sustainable development," Chinese J. of Process Engineering, 5, 464-472, 2005.
* Mani, S., S. Sokhansanj and X. Bi. "Streamlined life cycle analysis of biomass densification process." In Conference CD of AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov.1-4, 2005.
* Bi, H.T., "Integrating sustainability into chemical and biological engineering curricula at UBC," In Conference CD of AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 1-4, 2005.


UBC Chemical and Biological Engineering Department
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