actual photos of behind-the-scenes (hanging on my wall right now...hehe)
Actors standing around as they're being directed.
The "newsies square" set...statue of Horace Greely in middle.
"I'd just like to say thank you." (to Pulitzer)
"Headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes."
Cute shot of Spot smiling! B/W
In his undershirt & suspendars. B/W
"Try bottle Alley or da harbor..." (reprise, end of movie).
"They almost all knows how ta read..." (reprise, end of movie).
Cute black & white shot of Les.
A nice pic of Crutchy smiling. B/W
Standing up with a walking stick. B/W
Listening to Crutchy.
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Christian bale as "Jack Kelly"
Jacky-boy smiling...gotta luv it!
Cute black and white pic...smiling again.
Small black and white.
Walking down the street.
In Pulitzer's office; black and white.
"Ah-ha!" (mocking David)
Singing "I want space, not just air..."
"Ain't ya glad you gotta dream called...Santa Fe." (end of song)
Another pic of Jack smiling...he was a happy guy. B/W
Jack as a scabber, when he hears Sarah scream.
Christian in Empire of the Sun as a little kid!
In A Midsummer Night's Dream with Calista Flockhart.
A *new* pic of Christian! He's got a little gotee thing goin on...
A block of 9 *new* pics, at the beach and riding a bike. Very nice!
David Moscow as "David Jacobs"
Nice black and white pic.
In his undershirt (towards end of movie). B/W
Gabriel Damon as "Spot Conlon"
Opening the gates, letting Brooklyn in to finish the job.
"Never fear, Brooklyn is here!"
Taking aim with his slingshot.
In the courtroom.
Reaction to "$5 or 2 weeks comfinement at the House of Refuge."
Check out this pic of Gabe as a little kid! He was so cute!
Max Cassella as "Racetrack Higgons"
Holding up paper in "King of New York."
"How 'bout I roll ya for it, double or nothin'?" (to Judge)
Laughing at his smart remark to the judge.
Race laughing at something...
Dancing on the table & singing in "KONY."
Check this out! Max in The Lion King on Broadway (as Timon)!
Aaron Lohr as "Mush"
Aaron Lohr *now*! Cute!
Trey Parker as "Kid blink"
Close-up of Blink. B/W
Promo pic of Kid Blink.
Luke Edwards as "Les Jacobs"
Sitting in the Jacobs' home.
Marty belafsky as "Crutchy"
Telling Jack about when Roosevelt came into the refuge. He sure gets excited! haha
Dominic Lucero as "bumlets"
A head shot. B/W
bill Pullman as "bryan Denton"
The same shot, with Denton and Crutchy.
Denton and David at Denton's apt. He's got a little Peter Pan thing going on there...
since Dec. 15, 1999