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After you submit, check back in a little while, and I'll have the results posted for all of you to view on the "View Guestbook" page! Yay! =P

1. What is your name?

2. What is your e-mail address? And do you want me to post it?

3. How did you find my site?

4. Who is your favorite newsie?

5. What is you favorite song from the movie?

6. What is your favorite line?

7. What is your least favorite part/person in the movie?

8. Is there anything missing from my site that you'd like to see here?

9. Any other comments?

10. And finally, have you taken the quiz? What did you get? (If you don't remember you score, that's ok...no prob...)

** (After you submit, just hit "back" and go back to the main page...sorry, there's no link from the submit page. Thanks!)

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