Robert's Modified Applet Version, to See If It Will Work!
It used to several years back!
You need Java to see this applet.

On the above gadget 3d program, I need the correct "glidingImages.class" file,
evidently. of Sep. 28, 2005.....

Hence, why I have moved to "higher quality 3d programs", such as!
Which also, appear on this site, as well as my other sites.

My Thing World Links Work, but it appears, they do go to the page,
but the link or page doesn't appear to change in the "address bar" windows.

Another Quirk, ??, or what?

And this was the first "3D Thing" that I had seen on internet,
as well as collecting it, for my own site, and advertising such things!

Standard Page Links, by gif or jpg photo links!
Below Pages and links are under construction!